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small gift for kids bound for school?


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A couple of the kids in our tiny co-op are going off to school next year (sniffle!).  It's a good school (the hive would approve - it's a classical school with a good reputation) and they're all happy with the decision, but this is a tiny group and they've been together for five years.  I'm thinking it would be nice when we say goodbye to give the two boys something from the group.  They're both still in elementary school.  Something small, but thoughtful.  A book, something little they could use in school that they wouldn't have...  I don't know.  I'm a really crummy gift giver.  Any thoughts?

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A lunch bag or backpack?


ETA - I read again and saw you said elementary.


Maybe a pencil bag/box with cool pencils, erasers, ruler, etc. They may have some of that stuff though, but might not have a backpack or lunch bag if they've never been to b & m school.


A planner to keep track of homework assignments?

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Maybe a pencil bag/box with cool pencils, erasers, ruler, etc.


This is a good idea.


I just had to do a small gift for a little contest we had.  I got a set of colored finepoint sharpies (kids use them to decorate tennis shoes, notebooks, etc) and a small little blank page notebook.  Went over well!  Under $10 bucks.

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Do they study Latin? If so, a novel in Latin would be fun and memorable and the other kids could all sign inside the cover.


Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis



Hobbitus Ille



There are several more available, ranging from Winnie the Pooh, to Dr Seuss books, to Alice in Wonderland.

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My mom got personalized pencils for all of the grandchildren this Christmas, and it was a huuuge hit. They weren't even something that was on my radar screen - I hadn't thought about them existing since I was little myself. But all of the grandchildren were enthralled.

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