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Exercise Thread ~ 5/11 - 5/17


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I did my sun salutations, and hour long Strala yoga video I just downloaded online and 15 minutes of butt work. I wish I motivated myself to do that first thing this morning because I was really tired and dragging today. Now I am alert and ready to take on the world at 9pm…..go figure :/ 

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Pilates and arm today. Those military pushups caused my elbow to twinge so I eased up and did the easier version. How does one strengthen an elbow? Anyone know?



My knee feels great. The last 2 rest days were good. Depending on how I feel I might try to take a little jog when it cools down.

I would work on strengthening the supporting muscles and using proper form and alignment for the elbows.  I personally feel many exercises are too rough on elbows for people not in bodybuilding shape.  Elbow injuries are fairly common.  




I didn't exercise yesterday.  I suddenly felt horribly nauseous and tired, so I ended up napping-very weird for me.  I think it's something I ate. 


I think I'm going to try sprinting short distances today.  Jogging is hard on me when I do distance, but sprinting is fun.  Then I think I'll try the Tracy Anderson DVD and some Jill Miller post-sprint stretches.

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It was too cold and rainy to sprint today, so I'll try again tomorrow. 


I got my BarreAmped Boot Camp DVD in the mail, so gave that a go instead.  Meh.  I'm not super pleased.  Some was way too difficult-even Suzanne and her advanced model were shaking ridiculously.  But I just didn't like it much.  It was kind of boring and I feel like only a few areas were actually worked.  So I'll give Tracy Anderson a go tomorrow and then we will be hiking/climbing several miles (5-10) Monday if the weather is ok, so I guess that's my "break".  I have really missed hiking this winter!

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I'm posting today - but it is about last week.  that's why I'm positing to this thread :laugh:  I did yoga Saturday - so I did my full practice 4 times last week.  woohoo.  my knee does make things a bit more challenging, but it's okay as long as I'm nice to it.

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