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dd7 fell off the monkey bars, what to watch for? update in #6 broken bone:(


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The after school program just called and dd7 fell off the monkey bars and is refusing to move her shoulder/arm and says it hurts. This child is a major drama queen so I take pain complaints with a grain of salt, if there is an audience she will perform. I can't get to the school before the buses head out so I told them to just put her on the bus and I will check her out. They said they did not see any swelling or obvious breaks/dislocations. Its a half hour drive to the ER if we need to go.


What do I need to look for?


I can't believe she was even on the monkey bars, she has low tone on her left side and can't handle her own hanging weight. I need to talk to her AGAIN about why she needs to stay off them:(

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Turns out another 1st grader pushed her off the money bars making her fall. This is not his first offense and I will be having a chat with the school tomorrow. I feel terrible I made her ride the bus home, how the heck did the school miss this!? She's stuck in an 8 brace thingy for 4-6 weeks and is very unhappy about it. All I can say is OUCH! when I look at the xray:( They printed her a copy to show off at school which she's happy about.




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BlueTaelon: I'm printing this post to show my son.


He is a first grader who got in trouble a week ago or so for pulling on the pants of a kid on the monkey bars. They told him at the time about how he could have hurt the kid. But a reinforcement is always good. He thinks he's just playing but doesn't get people can get really hurt that way.


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