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Boys and school work/focus?

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Someone with a little more experience, please tell me that a day will come when my now 7th grade boy will focus, stay on task, and stop making careless errors.  It will come, right?  Surely he knows that I can't follow him to college and sit beside him while he does math.  End of rant.

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Well I will know tomorrow if it happens by 15 lol.  Ds15 came to me today with a new plan about his focus on school work etc due to changing goals for post secondary.  I reminded him to meet those goals he needed to bring his grades up by a minimum of 10% in most coursework, 20% in a few classes, he seems eager which means maybe we are hitting a time when he is starting to see the end game and putting his focus on it.  Because I know even up until this past Friday I was ready to beat him with his books if he didn't start putting some focus and effort in

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If men are dogs (which I don't actually believe), then boys are puppies.  For some, it helps tremendously to start the day with exhausting, vigorous exercise.  Walking, running, sports, strenuous chores, etc.  Getting these boys physically worn out early in the day often allows their brains to focus a bit more.

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Someone with a little more experience, please tell me that a day will come when my now 7th grade boy will focus, stay on task, and stop making careless errors.  It will come, right?  Surely he knows that I can't follow him to college and sit beside him while he does math.  End of rant.

Me too, I want to hear it too, even though I won't believe it until I see it.

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My experience has been that the time DOES come when kids (boys and girls) gain the maturity to focus on what they find important. At 13, middle DS had me tearing my hair out. At 18, he has pretty much done his senior year independently - I was mostly his discussion partner.


Give it some time

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I would say yes, which gives me the ability to face tomorrow!!  :)  I have 16, 14 and 11 year old boys.  The 16 year old wasn't too bad - naturally bright, but he wasn't real enjoyable around 11 or 13/14.  The 14 year old has had a rough year, but puberty is hitting him all at once and later than the oldest.  The 11 year old is about to make me totally insane with the lack of focus.  I think they were all the worse around 11.  And, then late 13/14.  It does get better.  My 16 year old is running three 'businesses/job' and a very solid, mature young man.  Middle one is a very hard worker and also trying to build things for profit.  Both more focused and getting school done - minus some weeping and gnashing along the way this year.  


I totally agree with the exercise thing for sure!!  These guys need to either work or exercise.  I had to put my foot down with the oldest - he is a computer guru for the most part and he HAS to run almost 4 miles at least twice a week = I am still working on the third day.  Other two are on baseball teams - usually two at a time, but at least one.  They are also always helping with house projects, etc.  


It does get better...remember to use the B doesn't happen until A happens.  They also like to eat - a LOT...so this is a helpful thing for motivation too - probably a wrong thing to use for motivation, but I'm outnumbered - so I have to do what I can!!!!  :)

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Also, I found it helpful to mix in physical activity with schoolwork.  Even my brainy older one who focuses REALLY well ( AS in would sit and do an entire Chalkdust precalc lesson in one sitting for an hour and a half or two!!!)  found it helpful to take periodic breaks and shoot the basketball, ride his bike, etc.  My middle one would run laps.  Something about it helped them focus more.  Boys just seemed to need physical breaks.




If only I could find out how to do this without losing him completely.  A few hoops turns into ...... finding him tucked away, reading a fiction book.   :confused1:

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