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How are you motivating yourself....

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I have made our schedule for the year, a framework of where I would like to be, week by week, for the 36 weeks of our school in each subject. I have made a checklist to use each day of each week to remind myself that I need to do a dictation each week for my daughter, for example. I put on it all the things that I slap my forehead about, normally, and say "I haven't done that in weeks!"


I also made a daily schedule and checked it out with the kids (receiving their input) which includes morning check-in time, time built-in for reading, a lunch break they feel is long enough, afternoon tea time and exercise, as well as study time in the afternoons. I built in the fun parts as part of our schedule so that we will not get caught in drudgery.


I have resolved to make progress each day in each area we choose to tackle, but not to get so caught up in the minutiae that I kill the joy.


Each year, I loosen up a bit more than I did in the years before. Ironically, it takes more preparation and planning on the front end for me to be more relaxed during any particular school day.


If I find that something isn't working, I will tweak it. I will keep the communication open with the kids about what is working and what isn't. I usually check in with them quarterly on this.


I have resolved to go easier on them and on myself. Going easier on me means not blaming myself for the parts that don't get done or that are out of my control. It also means carving out time to do things that keep me healthy or sane, and making myself do those things even when I would rather be here! Making myself follow joy over pleasure is sometimes the hardest part because it requires so much discipline. Going easier on them means not pushing for too much in a given day. It's a hard line to walk between challenge and overwhelm. It's worth walking, though.


It is about connection and family for us. That is why we school at home, and have always schooled at home. I do aim for a quality education, and to be a quality teacher, but the main focus is the connection.


Every year is a chance to do it a little better than last year. Every year is new territory. Every year is a chance to see just how much I can grow as a teacher, mom, person. I am excited to see what this year will bring.

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If I take a break from teaching my kids and I don't want to get back into it, I usually start gradually. One week would just be all reading, the next I would add handwriting and memory work, and so on.


I tend to be able to trick myself into doing something if I do it gradually.

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Chocolate. Coffee. Diet Coke.


Whiskey, vicodin...I kid!!!


Being more organized is really motivating me. I'm actually quite proud of our little school this year. We're on day 3 and it's been great so far. I made quite a few changes this year. My 4 oldest are doing Switched-On-Schoolhouse for everything but math and cursive. They also have 2 hours of reading throughout the day. My oldest is using Notgrass history. Except for a little instruction with math, I am free to really work with dd7.


We are up by 7. They do morning routines, eat and get ready to do school by 8. The 2 oldest spend 8-10 on the computer while the others work on math, cursive and reading. Then at 10 they switch. I spend about an hour with dd7 during that time.


We eat @ 12 and then do our afternoon routines, chores and one special Flylady "project". At 1:30 it's an hour of reading. I read with dd7 for about 30 minutes. Then we're free!


We have one more routine before bed and then it's lights out at 8.


Our schedule has really motivated me to keep organized. And, my house is relatively clean and stays that way due to our routines. Doing a meal plan every two weeks is helping a great deal, as well.


That's probably way more than you asked for, but we've all responded well to the structure. :001_smile:

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How are you motivating yourself to start another school year? I just can't get in the groove! Summer was too short and too much rain. I feel unmotivated and today feel like putting all 4 of them on the school bus next week! I need a pep talk!


I felt that way a couple of months ago. We school year round, ending with a 5 week break between June and mid-July, then start the new school year. At the end of that break, I just forced myself to get up on time and start the day. Any longer, and I would have just kept procrastinating. Now we have accomplished 6 weeks, and are 1/6 of the way through the new year already! It doesn't seem so hard when I think of it that way. Not that I'm in a rush to complete each year, but I take it in 6 week chunks, then a break. If I know I have that two week break coming every 6 weeks, I can motivate myself. Once I'm sitting on the couch in the a.m. with my kids, going through the lessons, it's easier. Anticipation was harder.



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