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Extreme hunger in pregnancy is going to make me fat!


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I'm well on my way to gaining a lot this pregnancy, I've been so hungry all.the.time. I don't recall being this hungry with the other 3. The old wives tale for girls making you gain all over was true when I was pregnant with my daughter. Still, I don't recall extreme hunger, that was more or less me just eating because everything seemed so appealing!

I'm now nearly 11 weeks now.
I made myself eat carrots and celery as a snack the other day because I should eat healthy, but I admit, I don't wish to eat veggies as a snack everyday!

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Wellll, I'm a believer that if you have true physical hunger, your body wants/needs food -- just not necessarily a lot.  You may not gain as much as you think if you're truly hungry and you eat just until you're satisfied (not full).  I gained the most in pregnancy when I ate when I wasn't hungry, and ate more than I needed. 



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They are a great snack, but they aren't always at the top of my list! Then again, I don't crave cake. I'm not sure what I want most of the time. Today I did make myself PB&J for a mid afternoon snack. Not the healthiest, but taste like dessert to me! Yogurt is great too.

It's just different for me, of course I was hungry with previous pregnancies, maybe I just don't remember, I haven't been pregnant in 3 years, doesn't sound like long, but I've forgotten a lot!

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Just wanted to add that I was always hungriest in the first trimester.  It seemed to defy the usual pattern, because doctors always hinted that I should try and control my eating.  But I was STARVING and put on the most weight during that time.  This became the pattern with all of my pregnancies.  Then during the 2nd and 3rd trimester my hunger was more subdued and it was mostly just "baby weight" that I put on.

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My typical day is cereal for breakfast, or an egg. I actually made myself an egg and homemade hash browns the other day for brunch, random craving, and it was great! Lunch usually consists of whatever I can find, whether it be leftovers from dinner the night before (meatballs, or the like). Then a snack, veggies, or an apple, or like today, PB&J. Dinner is whatever planned chicken, rice, steak, veggies, potatoes, etc...

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Just wanted to add that I was always hungriest in the first trimester. It seemed to defy the usual pattern, because doctors always hinted that I should try and control my eating. But I was STARVING and put on the most weight during that time. This became the pattern with all of my pregnancies. Then during the 2nd and 3rd trimester my hunger was more subdued and it was mostly just "baby weight" that I put on.

Maybe that's it! I imagine when baby is taking up all the space between my ribs and waist, I likely won't be so hungry!
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