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Reflex Math vs. Dreambox vs. Timez Attack


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I'm looking for an online fun supplement to help my 7 year old seal in his math facts, particularly subtraction and multiplication.


We did the Dreambox free trial about 6 months, so I can't remember it compared to Reflex Math. He's doing the free trial of Reflex Math now and is really enjoying it.


So, if anyone has any experience with one or more of these, I'd love to hear your reviews.

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I agree with Plum Crazy.  Dreambox is ackward.  Timez Attack is fun, but there isn't a lot of variation.  We have all boys, so it's worked for them.  But reflex math has the most "staying" power. It has a lot more variation in the game play.  I wouldn't say we love it.  But it is the best of the three.

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We use Reflex Math for fact drills (that's pretty much all it is), I only have them do written math work for concept-based learning.


Dreambox is more concept-based (with some fact drills here and there). i use it alongside a combo of SM and MM. One benefit for us is that the adaptive learning feature lets my kids explore new concepts ahead of where we're working (as a group, where i make sure everyone has a good handle on the concept before moving on) in the curriculum, or get some extra practice in the areas where they're weak.


So, we use both for different purposes, alongside a curriculum that I teach & work with them on. A bonus is that the kids can use these programs independently, so I'll set two kids at those (or SpellingCity, or BrainPop Jr.) at times when i need to work one-on-one with each of them in other subject areas.


I haven't tried Timez Attack.

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My 10yo likes Timez Attack but nevertheless still hasn't got all his facts fluent even after completing the whole program several times. This may just be an aspie issue, but he will answer question fine on TA but then say he doesn't know them if they come up elsewhere. I recently let him try Reflex and he declared it "boring" and nowhere near as good as TA. Dreambox we haven't used.

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Timez Attack is free, so if all you want from it is fact memorization, it's the winner in my book. My kids have used Timez Attack and Dreambox. IMO, they are very different. Dreambox is more like a full curriculum and Timez Attack is just the facts over and over. I don't think Dreambox does anything like the speed drills you'd get in Timez Attack. I have no experience with Reflex Math. There's also Xtra Math which is free and does drills. I think it is extremely boring but it would do the job.

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I am using Reflex this year with my dds 9 and 12 to cement their math facts. It is working well, and I'm pleased with it. Our only disappointment was when we moved from learning addition and subtraction facts to learning multiplication and division, there were no new games. They really enjoyed unlocking new games when we started.

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