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RSO Biology 2 vs. ES Logic Stage Biology

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Just full of questions today, aren't I?


I am looking for a comparison of REAL Science Odyssey, Level 2 Biology, versus Elemental Science's Logic Stage Biology. Any feedback on the quality, depth of instruction, labs, etc., would be great.


FWIW, I do own Elemental Science's Logic Stage Biology, and think it looks fantastic, but want to be able to compare the two through the advice of people that have used either and/or both. This would be for my dd11.

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I did try before you buy with RSO biology at the beginning of 5th last fall. Dd hated it. We switched to Elemental and she has been engaged the whole time. We do all of the recommendations from teacher guide and not just the bare min. We have gotten pretty good mileage and the price was great. Also really like the author and her husband...very responsive and helpful. 

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Can't comment on RSO. Haven't used it, but my oldest used ES Logic Earth last year pretty much independently except for discussion with me. We dedicated a whole page on our blog to ES Earth showing pictures of dd doing the experiments for most of the year.




This may give you an idea of what to expect!

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I did try before you buy with RSO biology at the beginning of 5th last fall. Dd hated it. We switched to Elemental and she has been engaged the whole time. We do all of the recommendations from teacher guide and not just the bare min. We have gotten pretty good mileage and the price was great. Also really like the author and her husband...very responsive and helpful. 


:iagree: I love the try before you buy options. Sometimes I print up the trial and love it! :001_wub: Sometimes I hate it. :ack2: Sometimes it sits on the shelve with me deciding each day, 'not today'. :wacko: 



My 4th and 7th graders did ES Logic Stage Biology last year, and it worked well. I haven't actually done anything with RSO beyond printing up the sample.

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I was just having this mental battle this morning. I was set on RSO than I remembered that ES had a logic stage curriculum. We used ES for a Life Science and Earth Science for the Grammar stage and it worked quite well. After looking through them both online comparatively for the last few hours…….fun way to spend Sunday morning  :/ I am leaning towards ES. The books are enjoyable (and I already have a couple), the price is great, and the supplies are more realistically attainable. 

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Can't comment on RSO. Haven't used it, but my oldest used ES Logic Earth last year pretty much independently except for discussion with me. We dedicated a whole page on our blog to ES Earth showing pictures of dd doing the experiments for most of the year.




This may give you an idea of what to expect!


Thanks for sharing this blog post, We are hoping to use ES Earth & Space Logic Stage next year, so it's very helpful to see some of the experiments.  It looks like it was a good science year.  I love your daughter's science fair project!


I really like your blog!


To the OP - I have not used RSO 2, but we have used ES Biology Logic Stage in our small science co-op with 5th-7th graders.  It has worked really well for us.

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