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Questions about math/pre-alegbra

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I've read a few pre-algebra posts. I've noticed that many people start their dc in 6th grade. How do you know when your child is ready? Why do pre-alegebra in 6th vs MM 6 (we use MM)? My daughter is not necessarily bad at math, she just dislikes it and works through her daily assignments slooooooowly. Maybe she is ready for a change from MM? I thought maybe getting some LOF books to change things up a little.


Anyways, looks like AoPS pre-algebra may not be for my dd? She is not what I would call mathy. But, I have no idea what would work or not work.


Just looking for advice on how to determine readiness, etc. I know looking at the diagnostic test for pre-alegebra AoPS she does not know negatives yet or fractions. I think fractions come later in the year for MM 5.


If you do 6th grade: pre-alegebra

7th grade: alegebra I

Then what?



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If MM is working for your DD and she hasn't yet completed the 6th grade level, I would finish that before starting pre-algebra.


It is common for HS kids to be accelerated in math because many people start their kindergarten kids in 1st grade math. So those kids would complete 6th grade math in 5th and then pre-algebra in 6th. But it's totally fine to be working on grade level and do MM 6 in 6th, pre-algebra in 7th, and algebra 1 in 8th. Better to build a strong foundation than to skip a foundational level just to start algebra 1 in 7th.

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If you are using the new MM5, be sure to use the new MM6, because there are some topics that moved from 5 to 6 in the revision, and you don't want to skip them.  If you are using the old MM5, you could use either (although the new one is clearer, with more review built in, and errors corrected, so that's what I'd use).


I think for most kids, when you finish MM6 is a good time to start PreAlgebra, whenever that happens to be.  For us that was partway through 6th grade, but the key is to start PreAlgebra (and later, Algebra) when the kid is ready for it, not based on their grade.


Don't feel at all obligated to use AoPS for PreA! There are lots of other good options.  Maria Miller suggests some on her website, and if MM has worked well for you, you might want to look at Maria's suggestions.


As far as what next - the typical sequence is Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trig/Precalculus, Calculus.  Some people reorder Geometry & Algebra 2, and some throw in Statistics somewhere.  If a kid is on an earlier track, they have room for other advanced math classes beyond Calculus 1, or they have time "in the middle" to digress onto those topics - Counting & Probability, Statistics, Number Theory are a few that can fit in there.


If your dd is interested in applying to college, especially a competitive college, the most important thing is to take 4 years of math in high school, not the minimum of 2/3 required to graduate.  

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I do my best to put my blinders on and stick with what is working. My goal is to only change curricula if it isn't working or my child has outgrown the program.


If your daughter is learning and progressing with MM, continue on to book 6 without glancing at other programs. If MM 7 comes out, keep chugging along with it. If your daughter hates it and has stopped learning from it, then start looking for alternatives. Traditionally pre-algebra is just a name for middle school level math that comes before an Algebra class... If she's reviewing trickier elementary math like fractions, decimals and percents, and learning about ratios and equations and formulas and exponents and graphing and the Pythagorean theorem, she's doing pre-algebra. MM is solid... I wouldn't change unless there was good reason.

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MM6 basically is pre algebra. My son is nearly finished with it and then will move straight on to algebra. You'll know readiness when they are progressing and asking for more. I do think there's something to the idea of "math maturity" before starting algebra, meaning they have the willingness and ability to work through complex problems without (too much) frustration. I didn't quite get that until all of a sudden my son clearly showed signs of it. :)

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The way we're going at the moment - he is in 5th and working on MM 5A - in 7th DS will be doing MM 6B and moving on to Dolciani's Pre-Algebra. I'm only doing the odd problems with him, and MM 7 worksheets thrown in for extra practice. I think all this would be plenty of practice and work before Algebra. As it is, CrimsonWife has me considering integrating all the math as in MW- Algebra 1, T-Th Geometry, F Stats and Probability.

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