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Microbiology and Chemistry

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So I've decided to go back to college. There are a number of chemistry and biology classes I have to take, and do well in, so that I can get accepted into the program I'd like. The problem is that I'm 37 and haven't been to school since I graduated college in 1998. So I'd like to get a head start and refresh my knowledge in these areas but I'm not really sure wher to start. I went to the library and checked out some text books in both areas, but the books are well over 1000 pages each! So I'm wondering if there's other resources that would be helpful to study before I begin my classes....maybe website or something. Any info is appreciated.

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Well, 1000+ pages is a typical college textbook, so I am not surprised. I would first assess where you think you have gaps.


1. How solid is your algebra? Most students who struggle with chemistry do so because their algebra skills are not rock solid. This is the first thing I would recommend you work on, if you have not used algebra since college.


2. Did you take introductory chemistry and biology when you were at college?

If yes, can you remember? If you can't, I'd start right there, get a popular chemistry and popular biology text, and begin working through the text, taking notes. It should be quick going if you had any classes before.

If you did not have any chemistry and biology in college, you'd be required to take the introductory classes anyway, so I'd just budget plenty of time for when you take these courses. Two hours outside of class for every hour in class at a minimum. But since intro courses start at the beginning, it should be OK to just keep up with the work. Reviewing a high school text might make you feel better, but I don't consider it terribly useful.



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