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I don't think I can say this in the title or I'll get banned!

Mom in High Heels

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Hairless body, wrinkle "free" with pricey products or surgery, gray hairs dyed, nails manicured, calloused skin eaten off by little fish, breasts lifted by surgery or wonder magic bras, stretch marks laser-ed off and now labia coloring.

Just one more thing to add to the list of crap I don't care about. Because there is always one more thing.

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So...do I admit this?


My gyn mentioned color loss at my last check up.


Apparently it is a post menopausal sign that can be associated with a decrease in natural lubrication.


The gyn's recommendation if there was any difficulties due to the situation involved functional, not cosmetic, remedies.




If you're close enough to notice the colour, you'd best just be grateful to be there.


OBGYNs excepted.


Oh, you!  Clearly you are kicking your hubby out of the bed.  ;)

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