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How can I monitor what my kids do on internet?


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I'm not having any problems with my dd13, I just want to monitor where she is going on the internet. The sites seem to be mostly fashion and makeup sites. She is the only one of my 4 kids to go to middle school public school, I'm trying to monitor what's going on with her. 


Is there some way to find out exactly what sites someone visits on my laptop even if the history has been erased?


Also, is there a way to turn off wifi for just one of my devices but allow other devices to work in the house?


My laptop is a Mac if that matters.



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Covenant Eyes is highly recommended, but I haven't used it.


For our home wifi we have Open DNS.  It will give a list of sites visited, though because of webpage prefetching you can get weird hits showing up that weren't actually ones you tried to visit.  I'm not too techy, but there may be a solution to this problem.  They have great help forums.  But this will only be useful with devices on your home internet.


I also have Qustodio on a laptop.  It monitors in a broader, more categorical way--like "25% of usage today spent on Facebook, 35% on MS Word, 15% on search portals", etc.  It can also track and report sites she visits if you put a certain category on a watch list--like if you put fb on watch, it would send you a msg every time she visited fb.  You can also block entire categories.   I'm not sure of it's capabilities as far as tracking individual sites in the history.

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Thanks for your help so far, everyone. I guess after reading your responses, realizing that I don't want to just have a history of the sites she has visited. For instance, I don't think I mind that she goes to, let's say, Instagram. But I want to know what she is looking at while she is at Instagram. I can look at the history on my computer and see that she has been to Instagram, but since I don't have an Instagram account, I can't see what she is viewing. Do you know what I mean? 


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 I can look at the history on my computer and see that she has been to Instagram, but since I don't have an Instagram account, I can't see what she is viewing. Do you know what I mean? 


I know exactly what you mean - the Spector Pro screen shots help you with that. It is just what it says, a picture of what is on the screen. It takes a shot every time the screen changes, if the screen is static, it takes one at intervals (every so many seconds, I don't remember). 

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I know exactly what you mean - the Spector Pro screen shots help you with that. It is just what it says, a picture of what is on the screen. It takes a shot every time the screen changes, if the screen is static, it takes one at intervals (every so many seconds, I don't remember). 

This sounds perfect. Thanks!


But yikes! $100. I'll have to check with hubby to see if we want to do this.


How do you recommend using this? I guess people don't check every single thing, every day. Do you just skim the results from time to time, and especially if you overhear something concerning? 

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Through my router I can designate which devices have access to the internet and at what times they lose that right.  So, all the little kids devices can get internet at 8am and they go back offline at 9pm.  My adult dd has internet access at 5am and it shuts off at 10pm, her choice.


Visitors can access the internet from 8am to 8pm with two breaks during the day, one conveniently during lunch time and at supper.  It's kind of funny when a kid comes up and says, hey my ipad won't work now and I smile and say, "yes I know.  Consider yourself called for supper!"  They think I have super powers! :)

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Thanks for your help so far, everyone. I guess after reading your responses, realizing that I don't want to just have a history of the sites she has visited. For instance, I don't think I mind that she goes to, let's say, Instagram. But I want to know what she is looking at while she is at Instagram. I can look at the history on my computer and see that she has been to Instagram, but since I don't have an Instagram account, I can't see what she is viewing. Do you know what I mean? 


You should be able to click on her link.  But then you may have to sign in. Use her account.  I'm assuming the kids know you check, and that she'll hand over her info.  With my kids, that is the condition of them being online.  I have full access. 

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