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MFW K for Kinder or Pre-K


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I was feeling sentimental, so I wanted to share...


Middle daughter used MFW K for her kindy year even though she was ahead of the curve in reading skills. It didn't hold her back, and we got to enjoy it.  use the phonics for "spelling" and did more handwriting and just generally enjoyed it.  I had easy ways to boost up some language arts skills in the phonics parts.  I know it doesn't make too much sense without the manual.. but...ah yes.. .that's my old post


and I'm really sentimental... here's ideas of what I did to boost up the "intro to school unit for first 10 days" of mfw k



Youngest gal used MFW K for kindy as well.  I know people's philsophy on early childhood ed vary widely on this forum, but learning to read is "school' not preschool.  so it was Kindy for us.   and even with an ahead of the program in reading skills child it was fun for us.


The current version of mfw K teacher manual has some big picture ideas how to use the program with advanced reader.It doesn't give day to day details for each lesson to boost.. but overall big picture of how to do it with early reader who is 5 years young.... 


If you're looking at the one who is getting ready to turn 4 soon... and is boy with too much writing.... I'd wait on MFW kindy until closer to 5.   Find ways to work on fine motor skills and let him get older.  but that's just me.  my educational philsophy at that age (to put my comments in their place) is  read to them.. let them finger paint, play in the sandbox...  shaving cream on the bathtub walls to practice penmanship (it's easier to clean it from bathtub walls and it's fun)...  build with blocks.. count stuff...  learn how to clean, cook, have fun in the back yard.. 


ok, I'm feeling old!!!  my oldest baby... going to college soon...  all of that informal stuff pays off.  thanks for listening to me..  just needing to remember the good ole days.... now back to the high school and college subforums for me.... 

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I was feeling sentimental, so I wanted to share...


Middle daughter used MFW K for her kindy year even though she was ahead of the curve in reading skills. It didn't hold her back, and we got to enjoy it.  use the phonics for "spelling" and did more handwriting and just generally enjoyed it.  I had easy ways to boost up some language arts skills in the phonics parts.  I know it doesn't make too much sense without the manual.. but...ah yes.. .that's my old post


and I'm really sentimental... here's ideas of what I did to boost up the "intro to school unit for first 10 days" of mfw k



Youngest gal used MFW K for kindy as well.  I know people's philsophy on early childhood ed vary widely on this forum, but learning to read is "school' not preschool.  so it was Kindy for us.   and even with an ahead of the program in reading skills child it was fun for us.


The current version of mfw K teacher manual has some big picture ideas how to use the program with advanced reader.It doesn't give day to day details for each lesson to boost.. but overall big picture of how to do it with early reader who is 5 years young.... 


If you're looking at the one who is getting ready to turn 4 soon... and is boy with too much writing.... I'd wait on MFW kindy until closer to 5.   Find ways to work on fine motor skills and let him get older.  but that's just me.  my educational philsophy at that age (to put my comments in their place) is  read to them.. let them finger paint, play in the sandbox...  shaving cream on the bathtub walls to practice penmanship (it's easier to clean it from bathtub walls and it's fun)...  build with blocks.. count stuff...  learn how to clean, cook, have fun in the back yard.. 


ok, I'm feeling old!!!  my oldest baby... going to college soon...  all of that informal stuff pays off.  thanks for listening to me..  just needing to remember the good ole days.... now back to the high school and college subforums for me.... 


Thanks for this! I had originally decided to do MFW K when he turns 5 for his actual kinder year, but I have a friend who is going to use it for pre-k...


Anyway, I think I'm going to just keep doing what we're doing...which is totally laid back and just play and read for pre-k. 


I love, LOVE MFW 1 for my daughter, but the math is light but she loves "school" and I love what she's learning. I have to keep reminding myself that my children only get to be kids once...and if they are advanced and gifted in math (or another subject) then easy elementary years aren't going to hold them back. They can enjoy their childhoods and then hit the grind as they get older.


Thanks for the reminder.  :) 

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you're welcome.  :)

I hope to encourage you again with confirming that when they love learning it's a good thing for long term. and hopefully encourage you that the age and amount of math covered, you're not doing bad stuff with mfw 1st grade math...  in addition to the daily charts and all of that, it uses a 1st/2nd grade workbook, has all of those concept books options.. It's not "heavy workbook approach".. but covers a lot of ground and sure uses that "no twaddle" kind of thing. It's not long amounts of time each day...  The pattern book -- really good stuff in there for age appropriate skills in logic, reasoning and science/math.   It's a lot of quality ingredients in that part.   not burning out with long amounts of time each day for their age.  Those are good things at this stage.   Before you know it, it all changes.   yep yep yep.... and you look over and your 12th grader is spending at least 2 hours a day on calculus...  


field trips....  do field trips as much as you can now....  gets harder all the time..


ok.. I'm just rambling and wanting to encourage you to keep on keeping on. :)


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I find a lot of people under estimate mfw k and jump the gun and are often unhappy about the decision later. Check out the mfw board k archieves and you'll see lots on why you should do k with a 5 year old vs 4 yr old. It's not letter of the week only mind you. They learn traditional

math and Lang scopes for k, like reading short stories and doing addition and subtraction, which in my opinion is not for pre-k.


I know when other moms are having their kids do all these things mine aren't even close to yet I question myself, but the longer I have been homeschooling and the more I see the fruits of it and educate myself on the Charlotte Mason method the more confident I become I am doing what's right for our family.


If your anxious to get your feet wet with homeschooling, we have really enjoyed BFIAR, the mfw preschool package, HWOT Get Set for School and just plain cuddly I up to books, library story time, park days and letting my kids just play. A lot of their self learning through play is priceless and not what I would have thought of teaching.

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Guest Mamma2j

Thank you for this thread! I'm in the same boat. I'm looking at prek curricula as I'd like to use next year when DD will be 4 1/2 to "practice" school so that I have a bit of a groove when we start K the following sept. I look at pre-k curricula and feel there's not much new there for her. I've checked out HOD LHFHG and BFIAR. I like that these are lighter but every time I flip back to MFW k, I just LIKE it better. I'd also like to do HWT w her bc she's always writing! It seems silly to get the prek version of these things when she's is self-directedly (I know, not a word!) doing the K stuff on her own. I also don't wa pint to rob her of these early, imaginative years either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always like the look of MFW Kindergarten, but thought we'd use it for Pre-K.  Now, however, I'm actually thinking about doing it twice for Pre-K and K!


DS will miss the K cuttoff by about a month and is a very social, active kid.  At this point he does not like to color/draw/write but loves to do activities, play games, be read to, and play with math manipulatives.  He loves repetition and reminding me, "Remember when when did X afore (sic)?"  He begs to "do homeschool" but doesn't have the attention span/patience for a lot of K activities though he's certainly bright enough and really strong in math.  We do a lot of impromptu math and educational games, but I'd like to ease him into formal lessons this coming school year so official K is smoother.  I think he's the kind of kid who will balk whenever he's required to sit and do something, even if I waited until he were 8!  


Between the teacher's guide, the message board, my imagination, blogs, and Pinterest, there are SO many possible activities to do with MFW K that I my head is reeling and I'm giddy with excitement.  Therefore I think we're going to do a light version this year (requiring little writing) and go into more depth next year.  I think he will really enjoy recalling and expanding on the themes and adding more activities.  I definitely will be supplementing the math/reading for my DS, but I love the overarching theme framework and ideas.


I wanted to start in Jan. but DD is now 7 mo. and requires lots of time of course so life is a bit chaotic.  Hopefully things will be a bit less crazy in August and we can start then.  Right now I'm working on collecting books, brainstorming/researching activities, gathering materials, making a schedule, planning fieldtrips, and wearing out my printer & laminator :) so I will be prepared.


The MFW K board is pretty dead--it's great for looking up ideas, but it is no longer active.  Does anyone know if there is a social group here?  Or would you be interested in one if you go with MFW K?

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