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Talk about discrimination for no reason

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As many of you know, my girls' homeschool academy had to be cancelled due to low enrollment. I was looking for substitutes further away. One I had heard about looked promisiing. The classes looked good, the prices were good, the schedule was good. Then come the rules. Something about all children have to read well and be able to sit in class and participate fully. That part is fine. My daughter reads very well, she expresses herself well, and she doesn't create problems in class at all. Last year she was consistently the best prepared child in her classes and always did the work even when she had a seven month long headache. The business about reading and participating is in bold letters. Then comes the kicker- no attention deficit children, ...... . As my daughter said, she doesn't want me to fight it since she refuses to go to classes run by such ignorant people. I guess they wouldn't like Michael Phelps to visit their classes either.

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Your daughter has a great attitude!


I am not familiar with homeschool academies at all, so I wonder - do you think there's a possibility that some homeschooling parents of children with behavior issues seek out places to enroll their children, just to get a break from them? This might be a very stupid question, and if it is, forgive me. Part of the reason I ask is because I know a family with the most horrifically behaved child whose parents simply shrug and say, oh, well! Attention deficit! When, from the outside, a little guidance and discipline sure look like they might do wonders for that kid.


That statement in the homeschool app made me wonder.

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:grouphug: I hope you find a better option.


As many of you know, my girls' homeschool academy had to be cancelled due to low enrollment. I was looking for substitutes further away. One I had heard about looked promisiing. The classes looked good, the prices were good, the schedule was good. Then come the rules. Something about all children have to read well and be able to sit in class and participate fully. That part is fine. My daughter reads very well, she expresses herself well, and she doesn't create problems in class at all. Last year she was consistently the best prepared child in her classes and always did the work even when she had a seven month long headache. The business about reading and participating is in bold letters. Then comes the kicker- no attention deficit children, ...... . As my daughter said, she doesn't want me to fight it since she refuses to go to classes run by such ignorant people. I guess they wouldn't like Michael Phelps to visit their classes either.
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I suspect it is legal since they charge no fees- just the teachers collect fees and they ask for a donation to the church each month. Actually I bet that many people who have met my daughter would be astonished that anyone wants to discriminate against her. She is such a hard worker and this is not simply my judgement. In VBS, the main person in charge of music just kept repeating to me over and over again how blessed they were to have her work for them since she was so prepared and never had to be told to do anything a second time. (A big change from their usual teen helpers). The adult choir has no problems with her and she never has any behavioral problems. Although she has medium to severe ADHD, I have never been called out for her behavior problems in things like Sunday School, camps, classes or anything. Now my youngest who has no ADHD has been moved in classes for talking too much, etc. since she is a chatty extrovert.


This group already restricts the classes to those who have homeschooled over one year since that prevents public school problems. The first statement alone would be appropriate. These are classes for 7-12 graders and they should be able to read well and behave appropriately in a classroom. The additional statements how you don't want anyone with any ADHD, mental or emotional difficulties is just not necessary. I don't see what having a phobia about something not related to school (let's say flying in an airplane) has anything to do with behavior in the class.

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It's totally legal.


I find their statement against public school kids just as offensive.


I agree these people are ignorant. They have a pre-determined notion of what an ADHD kid is supposed to be like, and they are missing out on a lot of great students as a result.


Ding, ding!


Either they had one super bad experience with a kid, or they are super ignorant. I'm leaning toward the latter, now.

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Your daughter has a great attitude!


I am not familiar with homeschool academies at all, so I wonder - do you think there's a possibility that some homeschooling parents of children with behavior issues seek out places to enroll their children, just to get a break from them? This might be a very stupid question, and if it is, forgive me. Part of the reason I ask is because I know a family with the most horrifically behaved child whose parents simply shrug and say, oh, well! Attention deficit! When, from the outside, a little guidance and discipline sure look like they might do wonders for that kid.


That statement in the homeschool app made me wonder.




As a mom of one and possibly another ADHD child, I must say I think a parent has a RIGHT to want some outside help and relief, and that doesn't mean he or she is a bad parent! ADHD is not caused by bad parenting. What looks like "bad" really can be the ADHD. Not setting limits, etc. can exacerbate ADHD, but sometimes it is just NOT the parents' fault at all! Who doesn't need help and a BREAK sometimes? Would the homeschool co-op rather we parents of less than stellar students put them in PS??


I remember this horrifically out of control little boy and his mom came to our homeschool skate day once. She was trying homeschool because PS wasn't workng for him. Well, the moms were sooooo snotty toward her, she seemd very distraught, poor mom! I never saw her again, and it really struck a chord with me. Sad!

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