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Wordless Wednesday 1.8.14

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I'm in...but never wordless.  ;)


Amy......wow...what did you say about that experience?


Beautiful pictures, Tammy!


What did I say-- "There were no termites in there, were there??? That could have been bad!" :coolgleamA:  (I figured there weren't, or he wouldn't have stayed in for a picture!) It was a dead mound, meaning no termites there anymore.

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Fractalgal, you have me wishing for spring now (and I'm a snow lover)


Here are ours:


Wordless - Some things really, REALLY should not have been invented.  A co-worker gave these unique custom shoes to my husband because she thought he might be able to sell them on e-bay.  I will laugh hysterically if they bring in any money.


Word-filled - The little items that keep our school running smoothly

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