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We just got smartphones (yes, I know we're way behind) and I don't want to waste my time with sucky apps. I've read reviews in the Google Play store, but I thought I'd get better reviews and recommendations here. We have Android not iPhones if that matters. 


We're not so into games.


I'm looking for a fitness app. One in which I can keep track of my workouts and such. I don't even know what is out there. I'm not looking for a weight loss or diet app.


Also, I'd like an app that does price comparisons of stuff while I'm shopping. I've already downloaded the Amazon app so I can look things up on Amazon. Dh read about an app called Shop Savvy on CNN. Is that good? How does it work?


Also, what are the little scan bars on items in stores that are for scanning with your phone? What app do you need for that?


Any other must have apps?



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I don't use the apps you've listed so I can't help you there.  But a couple of my favorites are Color Note and Flashlight.  I use Color Note all the time.  It's like a little notepad on the phone.  I type in addresses when I'm going somewhere or the name of a book I want to look for at the store, things like that.  Flashlight is exactly that.  A flashlight using your phone's camera flash.  Oh, and I also like Flash Alerts.  It flashes the light when you get an incoming call so you can see as well as hear the phone.  And I like WeatherBug.  I puts the current temp on my home screen and then sends me alerts when there is any type of severe weather warning.

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I have Red Laser and Shop Savvy for shopping, but haven't ever used them.  They got good recommendations on another board, though.


For fitness I use Map My Walk a lot.  It uses the phone's GPS to track the distance you walk.  It also tracks time and speed.  I even use it when I'm walking on the track so I don't have to count laps.

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The Amazon app will scan barcodes to compare prices.  The only downside is getting a signal while your many aisles deep in the store.


Out Of Milk is my go-to shopping list app

MyTracks is goof if you walk/hike a lot

Boat Browser is much better than the stock browser

Lookout Security is good


I use the flashlight app already installed, but there are a bunch of freebies out there if you don't already have it.

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