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Not doing history in order

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I know about the history cycle but I haven't really done it with my kids. I have the SOTW volume 1 audio cd and we listened to it in the car but only 1 of my kids actually listened to it. I have a lot of history books in the house but I let them chose what they want to read and so they are not read in order of the time in history at all. I am now realizing that my older 2 have no sense of time of when things in history or that we are reading about have occurred in relation to one another. Did I mess them up?

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Most kids aren't taught history in order.  I was actually given advice when my kids were young not to even try to teach them history in order because they couldn't comprehend it.  I am not sure I believe that is true for all kids, but, whatever.  We did SOTW but also did a lot of interest-led history studies when my kids were little.  One of my kids loves history and still does a lot of reading on his own outside the time frame we're studying at any particular time.


Some people find a timeline helps to put things in perspective. 


Enjoy your history studies!

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