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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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No special things going on today but I do better if I tackle life in general.


Clean kitchen at some point.


Teach teens

Choose music

Lesson planning

insist that helmets/scooter are put away in garage

Ds' air cleaner needs to be set up.

Stay warm



Monitor blood sugar/blood pressure

Digestive enzymes

Get in steps (I'm upping them by 500 today)

Keep living room clean - ask dh if he is "done" with his project (code word for will you please pick up after yourself?)

No rice (I had my cheat yesterday, remember?)



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It's snowing much more than anticipated---right now we have 4" and we were supposed to only get 1" total! Dd13 and my sister's boys are out sledding down our backyard hill with dbil :party:


Dh is using the snowblower we inherited for the very first time (not enough snow the past two years)---he's so happy that he got it to work and that he won't ever have to shovel a big snow again :D


I have to get the rest of the house decorations out so that we can decorate the tree at 3pm. Dd18 is already here (I picked her up 2" ago). Ds and dGirlfriend are due at 3, along with her roommate. I texted them to come over early if they want to sled too.


The snow will turn to ice and then rain overnight :(


No cooking tonight--we're getting pizza and having salad with the kids :)


And that is my Sunday!

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My oldest reminded me that today is supposed to be a day of rest, so in that vein my intentions for today are:

1) Hold couch to the floor--so far so good!

2)  Cook lunch or dinner.  It's noon and everyone has been snacking most of the day so no immediate need for this

3) Think of idea for EotS 

4) Drink water

5) Enjoy my family


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I'm in...it's snowing.   :thumbup1:


Laundry is humming along....

Potato soup is cooking with bacon cooking in the oven, I made homemade chicken salad last night to go on croissants --so no more cooking for me today!

DS cleaned the driveway off---but it still coming down with ice coming later.  

Just keeping everything nice and tidy and just enjoying the day!



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WHen I wok up this morning I thought it was Monday, and was about to tell Indy to get himself in gear.  I happened to check the weather on my iPad and realized it was Sunday.  Huzzah!


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner


Exercise (which I'm going to do right after I post this)


1 load of laundry


Fold/iron and put away load of laundry from last week 


Paint DR (I think)


Put up unused Christmas stuff until I'm ready to put the garland around the door.  It' too cold again today to get out there.


Clean the kitchen (sigh)




Watch OUAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  <-I might have over done it there, but I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fantasize about Captain Hook



Okay, now I'm off to exercise.    <-No exclamation point.

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