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I got stung by a wasp in bed last night!

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Last night I was woken up by a stinging felling on my right ring finger. I jumped up and searched around but didn't find anything. It really hurt! I went downstairs and piddled until the stinging became mild enough that I could go back to sleep. When I went back up Bud and I finally found it.


My finger still hurts today.


This is the second wasp I've killed in our bedroom in this cabin. I'm afraid there may be a nest because the bedroom is not near the doors at all. So today we search for it. Evil things.

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Several years we had a yellow jacket infestation of the house we were renting. They literally were living in the walls. Dh and I were out a Bible study and got a frantic call from the babysitter. The girls were getting ready for bed and one after another they all got stung - several times. Yellow jackets were in the PJs, under their sheets, etc. It really was scary and nobody slept in their room. Thankfully, nobody has allergic reaction issues, but to this day, one of my dds is really afraid of bees/wasps/etc.


So sorry and I hope it's just one!

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