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The Great Courses Latin 101


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Does anyone know anything about The Great Courses Latin 101?



I don't see it at audible.com.


I can't afford it, and don't need it, but I'm curious. If it comes out at Audible, I might use a credit for it.

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There must be a suggested textbook for Latin 101. Many of the Great Courses are based on a text. The problem with the Audible versions is that you don't get the pdfs.


I wouldn't be sure about this.  The lesson ordering is very unconventional (3rd declension nouns are taught before 1st declension).


The nice thing about Latin is that there are a ton of textbooks available very inexpensively on the used market.  (I picked up my Wheelock used for $5).  There's also many perfectly useful textbooks out of copyright available for free on google books.   I can't imagine that a video lecture would be substantially better than any of these books.


And, much as I love Teaching Company courses, my pet peeve is that they are all 101 level classes like this.  There's no "second year Latin" or "Senior year economics", etc.  This is especially true for Latin, which has many, many first year books, but there is a dearth of good intermediate level textbooks.

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Yes, I noticed the 3rd declension taught first too, and wondered which textbook could accommodate that.


I don't think I own a single Great Course that does not reference a text. I never knew what the text was until after I bought the course and downloaded the accompanying pdfs.

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I was excited to see this too.  Really tempting.  But, yeah.  3rd declension first?  That scared me. Lol! 


What little Latin I know has been through Lively Latin using ecclesiastical pronunciation.  I'll probably just stick with learning Latin with my 11yo.

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  • 1 month later...

I went ahead and purchased this course. We haven't started it yet, and I have no prior Latin experience, so I'm going into this a little blind. 

As far as video vs audio, it was recommended to get the video version (or at least the audio with the transcript) so you can get the most out of the word study. The bibliography includes two Latin dictionaries, a grammar text, and Wheelock's.


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I went ahead and purchased this course. We haven't started it yet, and I have no prior Latin experience, so I'm going into this a little blind. 


As far as video vs audio, it was recommended to get the video version (or at least the audio with the transcript) so you can get the most out of the word study. The bibliography includes two Latin dictionaries, a grammar text, and Wheelock's.


Please post how it goes if you can. I've been on the fence about this one and am in the same place as you wrt Latin experience.

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