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14 year old boy, free to good home


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DD (now 20) breezed right through her teens, so I had a false sense of optimism prior to DS losing his everlovin' mind. At this point, he's giving me *her* frustrations and his own dose -- all at once!


Same here.  My oldest was a breeze (until he turned 18 and lost his mind, but he was no longer my problem then.)  The next one?  He's lucky to be alive.

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One more assurance it DOES get better. My oldest son was the one I would have gladly parked on the curb with a free sign is now a husband and a daddy. Let me tell you--when the grandbaby arrives, you'll be DELIGHTED you didn't murder your child in his sleep.  For this boy, it took until he was nearly 24 before the light began to show...hang in there!

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Thanks all, for helping me keep my sense of humor. It's laugh or cry. In the past 24 hours nothing out of his mouth has made much sense, and most of it has been with attitude. He's SO SO SO moody! I didn't know boys got that moody! He actually yelled at me for buying him a drink he wanted yesterday, because it ended "wasting his time". Seems he thought I'd take off some schoolwork to make up for the time driving to dunkin donuts. Um, no. Oh, and he lost the DVD's for IEW. He needed to watch it last night. Couldn't find it, and said I never gave him the package, I just gave him the first disc. That didn't sound right...I have all the school stuff on one shelf in the living room, and it isn't there. It isn't anywhere. I searched and searched. I made him look again in his room. Nope. I went in to look myself, and he yelled and moaned and threw a fit that I didn't believe him when he said he looked. That he never was given the package of discs. Etc etc. Said I shouldn't bring up the past when I reminded him how EVERY time he says he doesn't have something I end up finding it in his room. Yeah...an hour later when I made him organize his school papers he found the discs, in his room inside of a math workbook. You know, the discs I never gave him. 


I took him to the library and left him there to do work in a quiet environement. I'm looking at is as protective custody, for him, while I read a romance novel and ignore my dirty house I didn't clean cause I was arguing with him and looking for DVDs all day. 




We have multiple days like this.   After 15 years, I finally have DS almost fully trained, but nobody warned me that teenage boys were as bad as teenage girls!   My oldest DS was my easy kid and I swear he was never an angry, moody kid at this age.  I was not prepared for reality when it struck!

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13 was the worst...14 was tough... 15 is much better... looking forward to 16. I hope.


Holy moly, maybe they're on a 10 year cycle!  I thought 3 was the worst, then 4, 5 was better, and by 6 they were pretty great.  


Do you mean to tell me I have to do that cycle again?  


My oldest is 9.  And now I'm worried.     

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Holy moly, maybe they're on a 10 year cycle!  I thought 3 was the worst, then 4, 5 was better, and by 6 they were pretty great.  


Do you mean to tell me I have to do that cycle again?  


My oldest is 9.  And now I'm worried.     


OMG, I think you're right!   DS15 was absolutely HORRID has a 3-4-5 yo.  I swear if he'd been my first kid, he'd have been my only kid!!  :lol:

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Does he dance?  Sing?  Sweet Child's show choir needs more boys.


It's snowing here today, if that;'s a plus for him.

That would be a plus for my 14yo boy. He can't wait for it to get "really cold" and snow. Brrr. I'm not with him. 

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