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Puppy Name Poll

What is your favorite name for my puppy?  

  1. 1. What is your favorite name for my puppy?

    • Spicy
    • Eva
    • Luna
    • Cookie
    • I hate them all!!

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I voted Eva because it's the nickname of one of my kittens (real name Aoife) and it's a cute name for your puppy! Funnily enough my other kitten's nickname is Luna (as in Luna Lovegood, because she's kinda spacey like the character), but I don't think puppy looks like a Luna. :D

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Luna somehow strikes me as more of a light animal than a black & tan one. The others put me in mind of food, and I prefer non-food names for animals when I can come up with something suitable. Just my weirdness coming through. :D Eva works so well. Spunky yet glamorous. Little, like her, but regal. Whatever you choose to call her, she's adorable and I know you'll love her!

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Luna somehow strikes me as more of a light animal than a black & tan one. The others put me in mind of food, and I prefer non-food names for animals when I can come up with something suitable. Just my weirdness coming through. :D Eva works so well. Spunky yet glamorous. Little, like her, but regal. Whatever you choose to call her, she's adorable and I know you'll love her!
I agree with Luna seeming to be a lighter colored animal. I knew a person named Eva---not a good character, so I can't go with that.


Doran said Spunky yet glamorous. Maybe you can name her Spunky!


I didn't say this name, but I like Java! That's what she looks like to me!

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To me that's a name for a glowingly white dog like my sister's. Her Luna is huge and white and calm, so I can't see your puppy with the same name.


We had a dog named cookie when I was a child. Good name:) I like Spicey okay, but then I thought about a spicey cookie and thought of ginger snaps, and thought "Snaps" would be cute.


Eva? Beautiful name for a little girl. Not so sure about a dog, but I could get used to it.

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