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Any curriculum/workbooks that include coloring for first grade and up?


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I know that this might sound strange, but my first grader LOVES whenever a coloring page comes up in one of her workbooks (BJU Science and BJU Heritage Studies have these occasionally.) She also gets jealous whenever she sees her older brother doing map work, and complains that she doesn't get to do "fun school" like he does.


Oddly enough, she isn't as interested in coloring books or random coloring pages that I print off of the internet. She seems to find the coloring to be more meaningful when it is a school assignment... especially if the page actually comes out of a workbook, or if it is something that we just read about during a lesson.


We've been doing some narration drawings, but she doesn't love that. She really just wants more coloring mixed in with her school subjects.


Most of the things that I am finding are for younger kids. But I would like to find something more advanced--- is there any kind of language arts, math, history, or science workbooks that include coloring pages? (I know about Story of the World... is there anything else out there?)



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History and Literature Pockets by Evan Moor come to mind-they're kind of the definition of crayola curriculum. There are some scholastic e-books of math line designs that could then be colored.


At the very advanced end-there are zoology, Anatomy and biology coloring books that are high school level, if not above.

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Dover also puts out beautiful coloring books.  Maybe you could get one to go along w/ a topic you're already studying?  If you're doing nature study, do one of the fairy or flower books, or the one that's about the woods.  I'm getting Medieval Tapestries for my kids this year, and last year my dd11 used the Coral Reef one while she was doing some ocean science.  They have EVERYTHING.

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Story of the World has coloring sheets in the 1st 3 vols' A.G.s.  You can buy a separate set for the 4th, or just use their timeline cards and flags for coloring in your timeline book at that point and find some sheets online for some of the chapters, which is what we did. 


Rod and Staff reading workbooks and the extra worksheets had a lot of coloring and cutting and pasting in the 1st grade.  I think it slows down after that.  Their 2nd grade science had a coloring sheet for every reading.


We use Peterson Color in Field Guides for nature studies.  We have the wildflowers and birds ones that we carry when we go on nature walks or to the zoo. 


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The Dover coloring books are often too complicated for my first graders, but the Edupress Color & Learn ones are a big hit with all the children.   They have them for countries and continents, historical periods, ocean life, etc.   We get them at our local teacher's store for about $4-5 (and they're reproducible). 


For the more advanced colorers, Bellerophon also has a huge selection of interesting books. 

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