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Favorite phonics for K4/almost 5 yr old girl?


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I think AAR is great fun, hands-on and no writing... but it's pretty pricey.  And your kiddo would know most of Level 1 already.


Phonics Pathways has no writing but -- in our house -- it is the antithesis of fun. :p


McRuffy does have quite a bit of writing if you follow the guide exactly, but we've pared it down to just the readers, games & workbook page (1/day unless we're accelerating).  Done as indicated in the guide, there's much more writing (spelling words, writing activities, etc).  It's fairly fun.



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I will be following this. My 5.5 year old is at the same stage your DD is (more or less), and we have begun lessons 27-43 (3-letter, short-vowel words) of Jessie Wise's primer, The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading. I like the systematic approach she uses, BUT my problem is we are not progressing very quickly because of the format, so I am looking for a good supplement for the same age/level. 

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Thank you ladies!


Chris in VA -- I've been trying to do some of the Montessori already (which has helped her learn the CVC words) but I'm not sure if I should buy a Language album or really how to progress.  Have you found an inexpensive album to use?  Or did you buy one?  Or use some of the online ones and wing it as you've gone along?


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My older kids all used Phonics Pathways. I wouldn't exactly call it fun, but it was easy to use, effective, and took very little time in our day. We added Leapfrog videos, BOB Books, and starfall.com for extras. None of these resources required any writing.


Now I'm using Writing Road to Reading (4th ed.) with my current 5yo. She learned to write the letters as she worked on the sounds they make, and worked her way up to writing words. By the time she got to writing short lists of words her writing skill and hand strength were ready for it.


I switched this DD because of personality conflicts with PP. WRTR feels more mature, which is highly important to her.

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My 4.5-year-old is at about the same stage as yours and has been enjoying Hooked on Phonics (Kindergarten). We're almost done with Level 1. The level of challenge seems just right, and the lessons only take about 10 minutes a day (we skip the DVD component). He likes that after every lesson there is a short story he can read himself before earning his star sticker. I like that the lessons are sequential and include review from previous lessons, so he is constantly practicing what he learned in the past even as he moves forward. In addition to the short stories after each lesson, after every two or three lessons your child gets a little book that they can read by themselves, and at the end of each level, they get a proper book (professionally written and illustrated). The layout is very child-friendly, and it's completely "open and go" on the part of the parent.


I do plan to supplement with BOB books and The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading, as they cover more than Hooked on Phonics. But I'm happy with Hooked on Phonics as our core program -- my son enjoys it, it's easy, and it's working.



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