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How to find all the "where should we move to" and "who has the best weather" threads?


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Do you want to stay in the US or go International?


We've traveled to 49 of the 50 states and the Eastern half of Canada... and lived in NY, VA, NC, FL, RI, and PA.  I love our area of PA the best (south central), but we like semi-rural, 4 seasons, and a nice sense of community.  YMMV.


Hawaii tempts us to move, but it's very expensive there (very low COL here), and it's so far away from anything if you want to go somewhere.  Otherwise, we love the laid back lifestyle, the water/views, and the ability to get whatever weather you want there (more or less).


Desert areas do not tempt us at all.  We need to see abundant greenery in the summer.


FL was nice in the winter - way too hot in the summer, and too long of a summer.  RI was too crowded for us.  NY and NC were homes of our youth and never tempted us to return.  VA is where we went to college.  It was nice, but again, summers can get very hot for long periods of time.


It all depends upon what you are looking for.

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I just recently found a really cool study on "Where to Live" based on personality.


Take the test before you study or read about the map so you don't bias your own results.  For me, it chose the exact state that I'd like to move to (all the way across the country).  All of states that ds is looking at colleges are the same color (though in different parts of the country), which fit his test results exactly.


Find Your Spot lets you choose from lots of parameters to find the places you'd most like to live.  (BTW, It is LOTS of questions and gave me the same state that the simple 10 question quiz above did.)



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Sounds like Utah. I live in a semi rural town of about 30,000. It is not unusual to have a group of horses walk down my street and I live on a main road. Many of my neighbors have cows, chickens, and goats. We are on the other side of a mountain from Salt Lake City, but it only takes us 30 min to get to a much bigger city and 45 to downtown SL. There are lots of places like my town in the state. Our public transportation is great. We have light rail that connects the whole SL valley and busses that are very convenient.


We have four seasons, sometimes all in one day. Last year we went X-country skiing in the morning, hiking in the afternoon, and for a bike ride in the evening. It is not unusual to need your heater in the morning and air conditioner in the afternoon in the Spring and Fall. Winters are full of snow and sunshine so we play outside most of winter, summer temps are in the 90's with no humidity and very few rainy days. We have bursts of rain that last from 5 min to an hour, the streets and gutters flood then it is over and we get a cool evening.


I grew up here and love it. My husband is from the Midwest and tells me he will never move from here.

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I just recently found a really cool study on "Where to Live" based on personality.


Take the test before you study or read about the map so you don't bias your own results. For me, it chose the exact state that I'd like to move to (all the way across the country). All of states that ds is looking at colleges are the same color (though in different parts of the country), which fit his test results exactly.


Find Your Spot lets you choose from lots of parameters to find the places you'd most like to live. (BTW, It is LOTS of questions and gave me the same state that the simple 10 question quiz above did.)

I need quizzes like this that will take my results and my husband's results and come up with the best compromise spot. We can both come up with places to move individually, it is balancing ours very different ideals that gets tricky!

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