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FLL4 vs. Rod and Staff 4


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My DS finished FLL3 last year, and we switched to Rod and Staff grade 4. So far, it just feels like total review. We're around lesson 23, and when I look through the TOC and future lessons, it just seems easy, and that not a lot is new. Is FLL3 just more in depth?


I've always heard that Rod and staff is rigorous, and I found that to be true of level 6 and 7, with my DD.


I'm thinking of switching back to FLL4. Anyone been in this situation and have any recommendations?




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We're not doing every assignment, but only because he totally understands the lessons. The upcoming writing assignments do look good.


Thanks for sharing your experience, lovelearnandlive. If we do FLL4, we'll do rod and staff 6 the following year.




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I noticed the same thing going from FLL3 to R&S 4.  My oldest needed that review. We just kept going. My daughter doesn't need as much review.  For 4th grade we did grammar once a week, completing several lessons at a time.


I felt like we didn't really hit anything new until R&S 6.  

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Rod and Staff 4 is their THIRD book for grammar.  Whereas, FLL 4 would be the 4th grammar book.  If you have done books FLL 1 - 3 you have finished 3 grammar books and would probably do better to start in R&S 5.


Rod and Staff doesn't start grammar until second grade.  Their phonics / reading program for first grade takes a fair amount of time, and so it is actually good they hold off on grammar until second grade.  Whereas, FLL starts grammar in first grade.


FLL 1 is probably equivalent to R&S 2

FLL 2 is probably equivalent to R&S 3

FLL 3 is probably equivalent to R&S 4; from what you are saying it sounds like it is.


Rod and Staff grammar is rigorous and by the end of grade 8 has finished the equivalent of high school grammar, from my understanding.  I have heard many times that it really picks up in grade 5 and to not start higher than that coming in.  My oldest is in R&S 4.  Since we started with R&S 2 it is just right for us, but I can see how coming in from another program with a different scope and sequence would throw your dd into a different level.


I hope this helps!



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I'm using R&S 6 after FLL 4. Level 5 seemed like too much review. We're only in chapter 2 but it's going well.

Same story here. We've completed through chapter 3 thus far.


We're using a different writing program, so on the days that there's a writing lesson in R&S we just skim through it, possibly do a worksheet page (when applicable), and then move on to poetry with Poetry Primer. That being said, I'm glad we have those extra "writing" discussions with R&S, even if we won't actually go through the motions of completing one of their "writing" assignments.

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My DS finished FLL3 last year, and we switched to Rod and Staff grade 4. So far, it just feels like total review. We're around lesson 23, and when I look through the TOC and future lessons, it just seems easy, and that not a lot is new. Is FLL3 just more in depth?


I've always heard that Rod and staff is rigorous, and I found that to be true of level 6 and 7, with my DD.


I'm thinking of switching back to FLL4. Anyone been in this situation and have any recommendations?






I am in the EXACT same position. I ordered FLL4 and we began with it this week, I like R&S and plan to continue after FLL4, it seems like we were skipping large portions because there was so much review and we are on Lesson 44 in R&S4. I think I will move to FLL4 and then go to R&S6. Thanks for opening this topic.

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Thanks for your explanation, gratitude! That was very helpful.


From everyone's comments, it sounds like FLL3 is good preparation for rod and staff 5. I stil might do FLL 4, partly because I miss it! I especially like the poetry included. I do like rod and staff, too, and I already own 6 and 7, so my dd's start with it next year.


Thanks, everyone! I appreciate all of your replies!



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Can I jump in and ask a question since you all seem to know FLL and R&S?  My 5th grader has been fine using R&S (2, 3, 4 and now 5).  BUT, my 3rd grader is having a very hard time with R&S 3.  I think the past 4 weeks we have done subjects, predicates--nouns and verbs--and he still isn't getting it.  Would FLL's approach be better for him?  Maybe FLL3 and possibly 4 then move to R&S or would you just stick with R&S?  He has, unfortunately, never done any real grammar because we have spent so much time in 1st and 2nd trying to get him to read.  I guess we did do a little bit of FLL2.


Thanks for any input.  Sorry to hijack!

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Hi LAmom,

I really like the approach in FLL. The definitions of the parts of speech, and lists of helping, verbs, prepositions, etc, are memorized. Sometimes a clapping rhythm is used. There is a student workbook that they write in. Sometimes, I think it helps that the sentences are written with vocabulary that the kids understand. Some of the old English in rod and staff confused my ds. Often, the lessons have an optional follow- up, and dictation exercise. I just skipped that because we use WWE also.


I have only used Rod and Staff 4 this year, and 6 and 7 in the past, so I can't comment on staying with it or not.


I hope that helps!



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  • 7 months later...

I don't know if it ok to bring up an old post, but know that the Year is almost over I'm wondering if I should use FLL 3 or FLL4 or continue on to R&S 4. My 3rd grader (mentioned above) continues to struggle a bit with nouns, verbs, complete subjects/predicates, etc. I was thinking of trying FLL. What order should I do?


4th grade: FLL 3 or FLL4?

5th grade: FLL 4 or R&S 5?

6th: I want him ready for R&S 6.


Thanks. I think the repetition and memorizing parts of speech like in FLL will help.

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I think it's completely normal for a 3rd grader to not have mastered those topics. That's why they'll get repeated again and again. That said, FLL 4 moves faster and doesn't have as much review as R&S 4. I'd keep plugging along in R&S and she'll get her parts of speech sorted out over time. :)

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