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October Declutter Challenge

Deb in NZ

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I am focusing on decluttering various parts of my life this month.  Tonight it was my inbox.  In hindsight I have come to the conclusion that I need to sort my inbox more than once every 3 years  :tongue_smilie: And having 2 email addresses to sort takes forever!  I've gone thru over 20,000 emails already & I still have a few thousand left.  I now realize that junk comes in many forms (junk food, junk mail, electronic junk...)  Maybe rather than decluttering my life I should just de-junk it?


How is your October challenge going?

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October challenge? Where? Sign me up!


I've been working on cleaning/organizing/de-junking our school room. It's become a total disaster over the last year. I ignored it, ostrich-style, all summer, but now it's past time to deal with it. We don't actually do school in there any longer, but we still need space for storing school supplies and curriculum materials, preferably in an organized manner!

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I'm in...I've actually been doing this for several weeks.  It's sad when you pull up to make a donation at Goodwill and they know your name.  ;)   

I'm working on my classroom....if I don't need it, can't use it or doesn't apply anymore..it's out of here.  I hope to get rid of 2/3 of whats in that room.  


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I've been decluttering closets.  Youngest dd grew so much since last season!  Now we are going through closets and pulling out everything that doesn't fit.  Also, I'm going through storage boxes and pulling out everything saved from oldest dd to pass down to youngest dd.  Most don't fit unfortunately.  Oldest has a totally different body shape, so most of her hand-me-downs will not work for youngest.  Basically, if it is too small, it is going to Goodwill.  I still have a box or 2 but it is still in the upper 80s here, so no one really wants to sort through jeans, sweaters, and long sleaved shirts. 


I've gone through my kitchen and sorted, pitched and/or reorganized all the drawers and pantry.  Same with the bathroom cabinets.  Still so much work to be done though!!!

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I don't know if there was an original challenge, but I am actually sitting here making my list of what I want to accomplish next week during spring break. I know I want to declutter some of my kitchen cabinets. My son tried to "organize" them for me and may have done more harm than good. :glare: I will probably go through some closets. We've only been in the house for about 10 months, so it hasn't gotten too out of hand, yet.

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I started this last weekend.  While all my kids were gone I was trying to catch up on cleaning and laundry and had to face the fact I am drowning in clothes, toys and such that I never even finished in the few days they were gone (though I was working those days so I didn't have all day to do it). So I have started purging again.  I am not going to push myself to be all done in October but at least by Dec 1 so that I can relax in that month and know there is room to put away xmas gifts.

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