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Dr Hive...light headed


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With in the last 2 months I have had light headed episodes, they are enough that others have noticed. In August (right before these started) I had blood work done and my blood sugar was in the middle of the normal range and blood pressure was extremely good. The only thing I have done different since then is I walk for an hour each evening (to get 10,000-12,000 steps). Food intake amount is the same maybe a little more with the increase of exercise. I have changed my diet somewhat, making healthier choices ...if hungry I will grab a banana or apple instead of a fruit bar, cookie or cheese crackers, skim milk in coffee instead of cream, no whip on desserts, that sort of thing). Another thing is I have not had a cycle since late August. I am pre menopausal. I did take a PG test just to rule it out and it was negative.


Any ideas?

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I just did 2 reading one right after setting it up and one after sitting for about 8 mins.


First reading: 105/84 with pulse 68

2nd reading; 110/77 with pulse 61


This is an electronic monitor.

If the monitor is accurate, it looks like my low blood pressure guess was probably way off the mark. Your symptoms sounded a lot like mine when my bp is very low, so that's why I suggested it.

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I have tried eating several small meals today (some were salty, crackers and chicken soup) but I still have a light fuzzy tingling in my head. Not bad like a single episode but non-stop. Dr. Apt is set for the 21st, we will see. Besides the light headedness I feel perfectly healthy, so this is frustrating.


I will continue to take my BP over the next week to see if any changes happen, also to have info for the Dr.


thanks for the ideas ladies.

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I have tried eating several small meals today (some were salty, crackers and chicken soup) but I still have a light fuzzy tingling in my head. Not bad like a single episode but non-stop. Dr. Apt is set for the 21st, we will see. Besides the light headedness I feel perfectly healthy, so this is frustrating.


I will continue to take my BP over the next week to see if any changes happen, also to have info for the Dr.


thanks for the ideas ladies.

I think you should request an MRI when you see the doctor. It's probably not going to show anything bad, but I think it's still best to rule out anything dangerous, just to be safe.


One question, though -- are you on any medications? Some meds can cause the symptoms you've described.

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I just did 2 reading one right after setting it up and one after sitting for about 8 mins.


First reading: 105/84 with pulse 68

2nd reading; 110/77 with pulse 61


This is an electronic monitor.


Those are pretty normal numbers, so unless something changes a lot I wouldn't worry about BP.  Plus it's possible to have low BP and feel just fine.  It's not considered worrisome unless you have symptoms.  My BP used to regularly stay in the 90's/50's range and I felt fine.  My point being that even if your BP reads low, it may not be wise to automatically assume that's the cause of your feeling light headed.


I think a lot of things can cause it, some serious and some very minor.  I have a friend who was having some slight vertigo and it turned out to be because she had some wax build-up in her ears.

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I think you should request an MRI when you see the doctor. It's probably not going to show anything bad, but I think it's still best to rule out anything dangerous, just to be safe.


One question, though -- are you on any medications? Some meds can cause the symptoms you've described.


No meds.

I'll mention the MRI.

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Those are pretty normal numbers, so unless something changes a lot I wouldn't worry about BP.  Plus it's possible to have low BP and feel just fine.  It's not considered worrisome unless you have symptoms.  My BP used to regularly stay in the 90's/50's range and I felt fine.  My point being that even if your BP reads low, it may not be wise to automatically assume that's the cause of your feeling light headed.


I think a lot of things can cause it, some serious and some very minor.  I have a friend who was having some slight vertigo and it turned out to be because she had some wax build-up in her ears.

Hmmm...wax build up could be a cause. I also have been using ear buds within the last few months, maybe it compacted the wax. Interesting.

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Are you drinking enough water? It sounds simple, but if you've added exercise without adding more water, you could just be dehydrated. When I'm dehydrated I actually get a little dizzy BEFORE I get headaches or feel parched.


I have actually increased my water intake in the last few weeks. I just got a Fitbit and it has a place to record water intake...I have been trying to fill the virtual glass, so more water for me.

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It could be blood sugar which changes often through the day depending on what you are eating. Try keeping a food journal to see if there is any correlation.


I had issues with dizziness this past summer- never resolved but went away anyways. Could it be hormonal? As I was having issues with that along with headaches and stomach aches.

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I have actually increased my water intake in the last few weeks. I just got a Fitbit and it has a place to record water intake...I have been trying to fill the virtual glass, so more water for me.


Water can, sort of, cause dehydration in that it can upset your electrolyte balance. As a PP mentioned, increase your salt intake, and make sure you're getting some potassium. Perhaps drink liquids besides water. Maybe try some gatorade. If you are exercising more and drinking more water, you may be losing minerals through sweat and peeing them out.  


I used to think low sodium was good but I had a frequent fuzzy feeling in my head. I could drink tons of water and have signs of dehydration. Since I added more salt in my diet, I feel better. I had this problem more often when my weight was lower. Also when I went low carb and was exercising more, I was fuzzy headed. My body needed more sugars. That's another thing to think about.

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