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Not sure whether to post this here or in the Learning Challenges forum since my daughter struggles with dyslexia and Aspergers.


Anyway, she is now 15yo, mostly 9th grade, with Biology. She has gone through a full Apologia Biology course before, dissections  and everything

but not for a grade because she struggled so much then, as well. She believes she wants to work with marine animals (study their behavior) as a 

career, so I've put her on a college prep schedule. However, she is now in a small co-op setting, using the BJU Biology and is struggling a lot with
the biology vocabulary and all the wordiness that comes with a science curriculum.  Part of her struggle today is recovering from the weekend, I'm 

pretty sure. But Biology class is tomorrow and she's struggling.


Anyone have any advice on how to help her with this? I have a full schedule, too, with homeschooling my 9yo (high training age), working on my own

schooling, and this week also having to help my husband at work because his business partner is unavailable.


Is it too early for a Mike's? B)

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I know when my dd's were taking biology, Bozemanscience videos were a huge help for clarifying complicated topics.




They are free to watch on youtube. I love this guy!!

(Mr. Anderson ... you can also search for some TEDtalks he's given on tech in the classroom.)


Seconded. They were a huge help in preparing for the AP bio exam.

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I think Biology can be tough for kids with LD's.  DS is dyslexic and anything requiring memorization was pretty tough for him.  It helped some to learn the roots to the biology words.  There is a program out there that we used but for the life of me I can't remember what it's called but it went along with Apologia.  We used Bozeman, Crash Course, and Khan Academy for the tougher subjects.  Basically he just really had to be willing to work hard, but he wasn't.  He found it interesting but not enough to study hard.  As an aside- I'm not surprised that she is struggling with the crossword puzzle.  Dyslexics and other kids with LD's will struggle with word puzzles.  I would have DD talk to the coop teacher (learning to advocate for herself)about an alternative assignment to those kind of worksheets.  Maybe use the terms in a sentence or label a diagram etc.   I honestly doubt that she would see an assignment like that in a college science class its just busy work IMO.

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Do you have an answer key?  Do you have time to help her with it?  I know it sounds like you're busy, but you might spend less time this way, in the long run.


When my ds and his lab partner had a giant crossword in Spectrum Chem, I just was the "teacher at the blackboard" type of thing, saying "Come on guys, don't you remember what this chapter was about?" or, "Guys, it's a pun, he's funnin ya here," or, "He's given you a nice big hint there, use it, so it's diaaaaaa... what?" things like that.


For just general understanding of the Apologia lesson, she might watch the lectures at VirtualHomeschoolGroup (free).


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I emailed her teacher and she was very helpful. Told me about the word bank dd had been given (!). Plus she also

gave me some of the answers as hints.  It also helped when dd had a GOOD night's sleep and all she had to do for 

class the morning before was to finish the crossword puzzle. She wasn't as stressed then and she actually enjoyed 

biology class. I am going to remember the Bozeman videos, though. I think that will help a lot.

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