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Feeling bad for my little girl

La Condessa

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My daughter loves gymnastics. Sadly, her coach had a stroke back in February, and she's had no gymnastics class since then. The coach restarted class for the girls on team and pre-team a few months ago, but not the rest of the classes yet. After a friend told me she'd seen some younger kids there, we went by the gym today to see if they were restarting the younger classes (they've been spotty about getting notifications to us in the past).


Well, it turns out that my daughter's entire class has been invited to move up to preteam, except for her. She has not been invited to move up, and since they still haven't restarted the younger classes, there's still no gymnastics for her at all. She is heartbroken. I just feel so bad for her.


I can understand that she's younger than the other kids from her class, and they probably don't want a younger, less mature kid in with the larger, older group--but she just feels like she was the only one that her adored coach didn't want to come and learn cool skills with the bigger girls she looks up to so much.


He did say that he will probably start a class for her within about a month.

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If so, I don't think she is old enough for pre team status according to USAG regulations, but I could be wrong.

This. The teacher's hands are probably tied, she probably can't move up until she is five. She might feel better if she knows this is the rule all over the country.

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Yes, she's 4.5. I didn't know that USAG had regulations about pre team. I do know that she's had a couple of friends move up when they were older four-year-olds--but they were particularly serious, mature girls, and as I said above, I do understand why they haven't invited my daughter. I'm just sad that the situation left her out like this.

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