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AGHHH.. I have a math problem for you all.....


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So, DH is off today (just to set the scene :tongue_smilie: ) and the winds are HOWLING !!! So 1/3 of our east side fence was blown down at 7:30 am, then 1/4 of the kids commenced vomiting at 8 am :thumbdown: . Another 25% of the kids later followed :sad: . Now 50% of the household is occupying the bathrooms with a bad stomach bug :ack2: . DH needed to patch the fence, so if I spent 3 hours running back and forth :willy_nilly:  between vomiting kids and DH needing help holding ______ then how much longer till bedtime????





Answer: too long  :toetap05:


Soo... that was my day, how about yours.....

I'm just glad we had this week off school.

Though between Wed and Thursday, I did get 25 freezer meals, some breakfast sandwiches and 2 1/2 dozen muffins put in the freezer so  :thumbup: yeah me!!!!



oh and as I type this, DD3 was falling asleep on the couch (leather thankfully) and projectile vomited ....but according to her she's "not sickie, she is just throwing up a lot"... ok, girly :laugh:

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We do drink... so how about chocolate.... shhhh... I have some good choc stashed in my drawer... just waiting for kiddos to sleep in about 20 minutes,.... now the hope is that they all stay asleep...


Sticking with math (corrected):


chocolate :<==> wine



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We have the same bug, or at least DS did last night until 4am.  I have had a migraine all day from being up all night, cleaning up puke and treating his 103+ temp.  DH is now gracing me with details (and auditory/olfactory sensations) of why he thinks he is getting the same bug-- please just go to bed!   I may have raided my white chocolate stash...and that was before DH was even home. 


Did I mention cleaning up puke while pregnant is so not pleasant....


ETA: I agree, too long until bedtime!

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Did I mention cleaning up puke while pregnant is so not pleasant....


ETA: I agree, too long until bedtime!


Oh man, that brings back memories, not good ones, of cleaning up after the oldest 2 while preg with the twins. And I did have double the "all day" sickness with those 2 to begin with. THEN, I got the bug....bad.....poor DH..... :smilielol5: . Although since then he does have a tad more sympathy for me when this occurs :tongue_smilie: . You know like understanding why I cannot catch both of them before it hits the floor when they are vomiting simultaneously :scared: .


Chocolate has been consumed....now off to pinterest for a while  :coolgleamA: .


Oh, and answer was 8:30pm PT !! Extra credit if you calculated that 5 pieces of chocolate would be consumed by 8:45pm  :drool5: !

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