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Would you break a lease on a rental home for this?


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6 months ago we moved into a rental home. It's not the nicest house on the block but its an older (1980s), cute home with tons of space. Since we moved in the sprinkler system hasn't worked right. We have someone here at least once a month, sometimes more to fix it. The sprinklers stop working and the lawn dies, they leak and flood the grass. Last week they wouldn't turn off and were on for 16 hrs before someone came to fix them. Because of these continuing problems the water bill is like $400... Just the water. It is killing us financially.

We also have a mouse problem. We've caught 4 mice in the past two months, but we hear more of them. I have a crawling 8 month old and get sick at the thought of him coming across mice poo or pee on the floor. We didn't mention mice yet to the property managers as we only now realized what a big problem it actually is. I don't want to wait around for them to try and solve it as winter is coming and will only aggravate the problem.

At this point if we break our lease we pay 25% of our security deposit which was $1000. I totally want out of this place. Would you consider breaking this lease?

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I would turn off the water supply to the sprinklers and advise the property manager that you will not reconnect until the sprinklers are fixed.  I would advise the property managers that they need to provide an exterminator for the mice.  If my concerns had not been addressed within thirty days, I would begin making plans to find a new rental.

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I wouldn't break a lease (yet) but I would go hard-ball with the owners. You should not be liable for the water bill due to their lack of repair--they need to pony up some cash because their equipment was malfunctioning. In other words, this was not tenant damage or negligence.


Also complain about the mice.


Be persistent, repetitive, polite and sweet, but very, very direct and firm. And persistent and repetitive. :D


Communicate both verbally AND in writing. All complaints should be either emailed or dropped off at the office in writing. Any text should be followed up with an email.

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Depending on the lease, the mouse problem may be enough to break it without penalty. 6 months and they've done nothing? Do you have a "paper trail" on your complaints?


Water bill increase is their responsibility as well. Agree to turn off the water but give written notice that you are and why (emergency flooding) or have them do it.


Do you know any lawyers? There are usually tenant help clinics or at least online FAQs for each state--google tenant legal aid and your state.

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Some Americans are stupid about lawns.  They'll call the police, try to drive you out, fine you, harass you, etc. over a bad lawn in some places.  No joke.  Thankfully I don't live in one of those places! 

here if you had a green lawn I summer, you might be accused of breaking water restrictions.

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I would turn off the water supply to the sprinklers and advise the property manager that you will not reconnect until the sprinklers are fixed.  I would advise the property managers that they need to provide an exterminator for the mice.  If my concerns had not been addressed within thirty days, I would begin making plans to find a new rental.

This.  You must put your issues in writing and give the landlord reasonable time to repair.

If the issues are not repaired, then indeed, give notice. 


And, yes...turn the water to the sprinklers OFF.  If there is no way to do this, then be sure that one is installed. 

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