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History Time Line -- Best Option?

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I like making our own so that we can vary the length and overlap the years if we need to.  My dd12 made one last week that covered 400-800 and had a dozen items on it.  The previous one covered 300-500.  She illustrated each one which took a lot of time, but she had pages for her history notebook that she's proud of.

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We are using a wall timeline for the first time this year - we use History Odyssey and its accompanying stickers. For people who are not on the timeline, we look online, shrink their pictures, and paste them onto a small addresss label that ds10 writes on to indicate his or her name.


We also have a Book of Centuries just in case. The wall timeline is working great. He can really see the progression of people and events. Since learning about the Victorian Era, he can't wait to make 2003 onward HIS era :lol:

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I like Record of Time. http://homeschoolinthewoods.com/HTTA/RecordofTime.htm


I print small photos of my dc with their craft projects and activities and put them in the appropriate time period. My dc love it!



I love this idea!  I do not want to search the internet for images to print for the timeline (not only for the sake of time but I think that makes it more about me with the finish product instead of the student) but taking photos of the kids with their projects--love that idea--and it will motivate me to do more projects!  Thanks for the suggestion!

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I made my own.  actually i made one for the timeline of the universe, then used the Charlies Playhouse evolution timeline (which is maybe discontinued) and then made another one for 1,000 bce to current.  I just made the 'lines' on excel, scaled to my wall, and printed it, then as we studied things, found images on line, edited in some text, and printed and cut and pinned them.  I think i got more out of it than the boys did tho lol

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I have tried, with three 10 years a part, a variety of methods.  My favorites are the folder method and the event method.  For an event, we purchased timeline sheets and added our timelinefigures (purchased ;) ) to cover the event as well as wrote in specific dates, i.e. the Civil War or the Egyptians.  Now, the folder method requires you to date the folder and add continent sheets for the placement of the events/figures.  The folder method is not so much concentrated on a line but rather a collection of events and figures.  I have used a very detailed folder method and a very liberal folder method.  What is nice about the folders would be the ability to look geographically at the events.  What is nice about the events would be to view the linear chronology of the event. 


I never liked the book method or the wall method.  HTH  :)

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