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Good thoughts and prayers request


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My nephew is taking the Civil Service exam tomorrow.


He has wanted to be a police officer ever since he was old enough to speak. He joined the military and did a tour in Afghanistan to beef up his training and experience, but literally nothing has gone smooth for him during this process.


- He could not get into the Marines because he had a tattoo that was visible while wearing a short sleeved shirt

- He was delayed getting into the Army because 1 year earlier he developed a cyst on his lower back. The cyst healed fine on its own and was no longer there but the army doctors wanted it removed before he enlisted. They were worried it would flare up again while he was in service and they would have to foot the bill for surgery. He had to find a doctor who would remove a cyst that basically wasn't there anymore.

- During the first week of boot camp he developed a blister that got so badly infected on his heel that he was in the infirmary for over a week and needed to restart boot camp again.

- The first time he was scheduled to take the Civil Service exam we had a snowstorm that basically shut down our area for 5 days.

- The second time he was scheduled to take the exam the Boston Marathon bombings happened and, again, everything was shut down. (We live just outside of Boston)


He has been waiting for almost a year to take this exam. My nephew is a good kid. A REALLY good kid. I may be slightly prejudice because I am his Aunt, but he would make an incredible police officer. He is wearing a suit to the exam because as he says, "this is an important event for me."


Right now he is in limbo and working a part-time job in security.


Please send good thoughts/karma/prayers his way that everything will go smoothly for him (for once!) and that he can finally begin his life down the path that he has waited so long for.



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