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We had my daughter's COVD optometrist eval this week, and sure enough, she has developmental delays in her vision and is having difficulties crossing the midline with tracking and reading. I am hoping it will help, although given her cerebral palsy diagnosis we don't really know if she can catch up or not. But I feel like it is worth a try, for awhile. She is a natural speller, has no problem sounding out words, is good with sight words, but a row of text is a real challenge.


And I am sure I am not the only one here on the merry go round of therapies. Alternating between ot, pt, hippotherapy, now VT, hoping we don't need speech for the lisp that hasn't gone away. I think we can only do two different therapies per week. Any more is just overwhelming for all of us.

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We are starting VT tomorrow.  :)  We can be VT newbies together.


This is our only therapy, but I can imagine the rounds some of you face.  We have merry go rounds of doc appts, but not weekly therapies.  I admire you!


Binocular Fusion Disorder here, convergence insufficiency, diplopia and a few other diagnoses.  We are cautiously optimistic.  


DS has trouble reading small font and blocks of text, though he's fine if it's larger, double spaced font.  

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Wow, so many of you taking the plunge!  Well all the best to you.  Work hard and hopefully the results will be there!  :)


Sara, yes, two is really about where you have to max out.  It's too draining on a lot of levels.  You've caught things so early, you should feel very blessed in that sense, even if it is overwhelming.  

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Just finished VT... Did 5.5 years of OT, 6 months of PT and 2 years of ST. No hippo therapy but did have a Benik Vest for a year (that was fun NOT). Anyway, his 1st eval. said Convergence Insufficiency. His re-eval. was normal. We have seen vast improvement in Focus as in concentration, Stamina, Writing (our last effort after OT just said they can do no more for him), did I say Focus... oh the focus he has now!


All we need to do now is get him to stop eating screws :drool: and pencils, and paper clips, and bottle caps, and, and and... oh, and make a friend or two would be nice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


We started VT today. The VT meeting went fine, but DS has a monster headache now. We tried to do some school after VT, but that attempt failed in a blaze of glory. 


How everyone is doing on VT? If you are going "light" on academics during VT, what does that look like?


For our "light" academics, we are shelving spelling and grammar for now (to start with), as neither is sticking at all right now. I'm trying to figure out a way to do "living math" for math, but I'm concerned about falling further behind. Math is a significant source of frustration for DS due to his tracking, laterality, and reversal issues. 



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I'd laugh, since I JUST SAID all this in my "Fairy Godmother gives you permission to be more radical than you thought you'd need to be" post in another thread, but I know it's not a laughing matter!   :grouphug:


Give him the pain reliever *before* the VT session.  I can ask my dd whether she took ibuprofen or tylenol.  We usually take neither (just aspirin), so that was acknowledging how bad it was.  It wouldn't cut it, but it would help.  It was the VT place that said to take it before to help head it off.  Also, if he has glasses or reading glasses, you can use them to relax the eyes.  Dd usually wanted a nap after VT.  If we took a field trip, she could nap on the way to the place.  If we came home, well she had that drive.


Try math first thing each morning and some read alouds, then do your VT homework, then play, relax, do science kits, whatever.  See if that helps.

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