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Please compare Veritas Press & Classical Conversations' timelines


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Well, the CC cards come laminated already, they match the CC timeline song and there is more non western centric history. The VP cards need to be laminated for durability, they have more Bible and western centric history. Please note that I have not used the CC cards, but I have seen them and I do use the CC app. My plan is to continue using the VP cards for history for a while longer, because I can't afford to buy the others right now. By the way we do the memory work at home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bumping this...I'm looking for timeline songs, or perhaps a song, with the lyrics. I could do some of the other work myself, if I just had lyrics. I looked at CC Connected, but because I'm not part of a community they charge $60 per MONTH to access the info. I don't mind paying, but I'd like it to be reasonable.

Did you try You Tube? I do think the CC Timeline is copyrighted or something. 

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They used to be on YouTube with the motions, but she had to take them down for copyright reasons. Do you know anyone in cc? You could get their Cycle 1 cd's from last year and learn the timeline, it doesn't change from year to year. Once you know it, you will find you could never forget it, I sing catch myself signing it when I am alone.

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Do you have an iPad/Phone/Pod?  CC has memory work apps for all 3 cycles available for sale in the iTunes store for around $15 (cycle 3 is less).  One time purchase, and much less expensive than a monthly subscription to CC Connected, in case you can't get ahold of the CDs.

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I saw some videos, but I'd like to have the lyrics to the song. I don't need them to be free, but paying $35 for one song seems a bit steep. I see that I can buy the song for a reasonable sum at the website, but I don't see where I get the lyrics.


I don't recall them having the lyrics anywhere, of course you might be able to find them using CC connected or you could just get the songs and listen to them over and over again and write down the lyrics yourself.

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The timeline song is $8 and is one of the very few things that can be individually purchased for a reasonable price outside a community. http://www.classicalconversationsbooks.com/allageso.html


I found the lyrics online. There are some sections where the tempo is so fast I could not understand what she was singing. I am not sure if it is "legal" for the song to be presented anywhere, but my CD download did not come with the lyrics. I couldn't understand the section that said "Hittites and Canaanites, Kush, Assyrians..." Once you purchase the song, just type in and google part of the lyrics. You should find it pretty easily that way.   


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