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First grade choices for first time homeschoolers. Tell me what you think.


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We're getting ready to pull our six year old out of the public school. I've had such a hard time picking curriculum. At first I was set on Heart of Dakota. Then something inside me told me to shop around some more because I just wasn't at peace about that one. After lots of research, suggestions and many a nights at the computer I'm thinking I might have narrowed it down. I'm very open to suggestions, tips...anything.


The boy is six years old. Can read independently but still needs the assurance that he's doing a good job. Can read all the way through Frog and Toad books. Could read a chapter book fairly easy if it wasn't for the length. Hates math and I find he needs to be walked through each step or given ideas on how to solve it. Good at it once he knows it. Can write a sentence with proper capitalization and punctuation. Dislikes writing and its sloppy but he can! We tend to butt heads and he can be quye stubborn. He doesn't have a currency so there's no bribing him. So lessons will need to be short & sweet, at least until we get used to the homeschool way!


So here we go...this could (and can) change. It's been revised a million times already!


Language Lessons 1

Math Mammoth 1st grade

All About Spelling (starting at level one to hopefully drill in the rules to help solidify spelling)

Writing With Ease


Those are the basics. I'm also going to add Bible studies in there but for a while they will just be short little Devotionals. I'm also thinking about doing the Road Trip USA from Confessions of a Homeschooler.


How's it looking?!

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Looks good.


If MM does not work out, look at Bob Jones with DVDs. my reisitant boys love it. We don;t butt heads becasue I am not teaching it. If they do not understand something, they can rewind and re watch plus I have the TM if they get really stuck. Hasn't happened yet.


I would wait a few weeks before starting Confessions. Just do the basics and read books for a bit. Toss in some sciece DVDs like MagicSchool Bus or Bill Nye for a bit. Easing in slowly will help you both get used to things.

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Oh yes, reading is for sure on the list! I'm working on a list of top first grade books for us to read aloud or together and then we will be hitting the library for him to get whatever he wants to read. 


Science/history projects will be on a whim whenever something interests him. At some point in plan to add in a study on the human body from Apologia but wanted to get him in the groover first. He loves the human body and I have several fun projects to go with it. Can't wait! We will definitely be doing some Magic School Bus stuff!! 


I've got tons of ideas/games/activities pinned that I need to go through and add to lesson plans so that school isn't so 'boring' to him. 


Oh lesson plans...that makes me nervous!!!

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My ds and now my dd6 enjoy the Let's-Read-And-Find-Out-Science series - they can be read independently, or read aloud, and the science is fun and solid. Usborne also has a science activities book that many people use. The Christian Liberty Nature Readers are popular in this house too. I'm reading aloud Book 1 to dd this year in 1st.

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Also, which interactive kit would you suggest? I just noticed that there's a deluxe and regular.


There's extra stuff in the deluxe kit. You should get it if the extra stuff is worth $20 to you. :) (It wasn't worth it to me the first time around, I just needed the materials for teaching and not the bling.)


Start with Level 1. A child who can read and write can't necessarily recite all of the sounds of 'y' or 'th' or other phonograms, or segment blends fluently, and I believe these are building block skills for future levels of AAS.

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