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HSing Special Needs Legal Rights?


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It is of great concern to me, that their is no where that people can go to, for information about the legal rights and entitlements of Home Schoolers?

So what I'm wondering? Is if we could ask for a Legal Rights sub-forum be added to our Learning Challenges board?


Where we create a list of threads covering the relevant questions that regularly come up here?

Then invite a range of people with legal expertise, to come and provide answers to these questions.

Also importantly, links to documents of the relevant Laws. 

So that people can find a simple explanation of their rights and entitlements.

Along with links to govt documents of the Laws, that can be printed out, and presented to the school or whatever official.


Where it is not only Parents that know little about the legal position of HSchoolers?

But the schools and officials also know little or nothing about it either?

So that if a parent is able to provide them with a clear explanation, and the laws that support it ?

It would put them in a strong position.


But this also needs to looked at as Parents educating the Schools and Officials about the legal rights and entitlements of HSchoolers.

Afterall, where would these Officials go to, for information about the legal position of HSchoolers?

Probably a Google search, as their is no dedicated repository of information?


Where I must say that I see another objective of this HSing Special Needs Legal Rights sub-forum?

Where over time, a comprehensive list of the relevant legal HSing questions and answers are developed.

What I am thinking of, is that this could be collated into a formal document, and submitted to federal and state govts, for consideration?

On the path to getting them to develop their own repository of information, on HSing Legal Rights and Entitlements.

Which any Official could go directly to, for specific information. 

But I would speculate that their may be some topics that don't have any legal certainty?

Which would need to be resolved by govt's?


Where I am also thinking of the fact that we have 56,621 Members here?

Where as a collective, we could request that the govt develop and make available a  concise explanation of the Legal Rights and Entitlements of Home Schoolers ?

Which our 56,621 Members could help with developing.


That could be presented not so much as a criticism of the current situation?

But rather, as a required response, to rapidly developing practice of Home Schooling.

Which has now grown so large, that it needs to be given a comprehensive explanation and definition of its legal position and recognition.

That everyone can easily access and understand.


So that while I am thinking of a HSing Legal Rights sub-forum to provide all of the relevant explanations and information.

I seem to be also suggesting the development of a Lobby group, for the legal rights of HSchoolers?

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Guest jasjr62

Much of what you are asking for is available at www.hslda.org


All home schoolers should support the Home School Legal Defense Association.

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Legal advice on-line is generally worth what you pay for it. In fact it's often worse than nothing, as armchair attorneys can sound very convincing as they send you down the wrong path entirely.


Further, I'd worry about the liability the moderators could be opening themselves up to. It's one thing to host a forum where people happen to give out bad legal advice; it's quite another to create a sub-forum explicitly for the purpose of offering legal advice.


Finally, I wasn't aware that homeschoolers with special needs had any particular rights or entitlements, beyond those they may enjoy locally. Frankly, I don't want the Lidless Eye of the federal, state, county, or city governments turning toward my little family and feeling it ought to be making decisions about how (or if) my little girl with special needs is homeschooled and/or how her particular needs are dealt with.

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I agree with Violet Crown. Having a special "Legal Rights" subforum would likely present a huge liability risk to the moderators.


I've found a lot of great information regarding special education law and its provisions at http://www.wrightslaw.com.  While this website is obviously not aimed at homeschoolers, there's quite a bit of information there that can be helpful to parents homeschooling children with special needs. 

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The Homeschool Legal Defense Association has tremendous resources and information for all homeschoolers, and gives you all the legal information you could possibly want.  If you are in the state of Texas, there is also THSC, which has done a phenomenal job in helping educate parents, school districts, police officers, CPS, etc in what is truly legal and what is just illegally policy created by the ignorant. I support both and have found both very useful.

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