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TOG vs the new History of the Ancient World (new book on teaching it)

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I had planned on using History of the Ancient World book along with TOG program.  Now they have this new book coming out for parents and student guide to the book.  We do not start the Ancient World until November.  I am debating not doing TOG ancients and just use this new book for me and the other book for my high school son.  However this poses a problem for me.    I love TOG and the set up of it with the English Lit going along with the history program of TOG.  I would like to use both but not sure if I can.


Any Tog'ers going to do both??  If you did include Susan's book for the Ancients did you feel like you need more handholding  such as this new book they have coming out to help teach it?





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Begging the pardon of our most excellent host, but I thought the new HoAW guide, at least from the samples, looked nasty.  It's largely comprehension, no mapping, no literature, and the critical thinking largely leads them into a conclusion, without being interesting or deep.  It's just a total loser in my mind.  But I'm picky.  I don't need a reading comprehension guide.


If you like TOG and it's giving you a lot of components you need, you should stay put.  Say I who've used neither.  :D

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I still haven't decided what to do with HoAW. I'm torn about Y1 TOG. I own it now, but haven't printed past the first unit. I rough corrlated HoAW with it to see how it would work. DD is starting to read HoAW so I'll probably make a decision after she has read a few chapters. We won't start ancients formally until Oct. so I have time yet.

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Begging the pardon of our most excellent host, but I thought the new HoAW guide, at least from the samples, looked nasty.  It's largely comprehension, no mapping, no literature, and the critical thinking largely leads them into a conclusion, without being interesting or deep.  It's just a total loser in my mind.  But I'm picky.  I don't need a reading comprehension guide.



I was very underwhelmed by the samples also. I was expecting so much more. 

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We are 3 weeks into TOG Y1 and our second year studying at the Rhetoric level with an online virtual co-op. For us, there is really no time to schedule in another full resource. As is, TOG is full enough and dc are learning, analyzing, and synthesizing the information well.


I do have the HoAW book available for reference and I skimmed through the curriculum sample. Honestly, I cannot reconcile the "not quite" Christian perspective of some things I read, especially in the curriculum guide, with the Christian perspective of TOG. I do realize that TOG is written from a reformed viewpoint and I don't fully agree with everything there either, BUT it is a lot easier to reconcile those differences in theology v. the HoAW issues. That said, even though we won't use HoAW in a big way, we may discuss some of these discrepancies to consider them in light of our beliefs.


Just my thoughts,

Pamela F.

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We are 3 weeks into TOG Y1 and our second year studying at the Rhetoric level with an online virtual co-op. For us, there is really no time to schedule in another full resource. As is, TOG is full enough and dc are learning, analyzing, and synthesizing the information well.


I do have the HoAW book available for reference and I skimmed through the curriculum sample. Honestly, I cannot reconcile the "not quite" Christian perspective of some things I read, especially in the curriculum guide, with the Christian perspective of TOG. I do realize that TOG is written from a reformed viewpoint and I don't fully agree with everything there either, BUT it is a lot easier to reconcile those differences in theology v. the HoAW issues. That said, even though we won't use HoAW in a big way, we may discuss some of these discrepancies to consider them in light of our beliefs.


Just my thoughts,

Pamela F.


Pamela, I'd love you to detail the bolded bit so I could understand what you are talking about. I'm curious to see what you are identifying as specifically reformed as opposed to just stuff you don't agree with. 

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