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Flowing Brook

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sounds like thyroid to me,


while stress can lead to issues with cortisol levels messing with insulin and therefore creating lots of symptoms most of what you are listing are not what I am familiar with from that (said as a person who has spent nearly a year dealing with adrenal gland issues related to chronic high stress, not as a dr)


Regardless of what we all guess it is, you really need to go get seen by a dr, and have some blood work done etc to see what is going on.  Dr. Hive is fun but with that list of symptoms it really needs to be checked out by a real dr.


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It could be, but I think it could be more too. I'd check thyroid. It sounds like there might be some nervous system stuff....that could be related to deficiencies in nutrients, metabolics, lyme--all kinds of things. But I'd want checked out if that's possible. Full thyroid (http://hypothyroidmom.com/top-5-reasons-doctors-fail-to-diagnose-hypothyroidism/...test all), vitamin D (25OHD--you want a level of at least 50, even if the lab slip says 30 is normal), ferritin/iron.  I had low vitamin D and low coq10 (due to an undx'd metabolic condition/I had no clue) and also sleep apnea. All those are unrelated. My sister had parathryoid disease. It's rare, but happens. Calcium levels should never be high. http://www.parathyroid.com/parathyroid-symptoms.htm There are a lot of possibilities.


If you can't test much, I'd do thyroid and start aggressively supplementing with D3 (10,000 IU of D3 6 days a week). You're probably low in D as most of us are.

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I was going to mention Lyme's Disease, but sbgrace already did.  Your symptoms sound similar to this:



fatigue, tingling hands, memory loss, etc...


We never had ticks when we first moved here, but 13 years later they are everywhere.  Our dogs now need to be medicated year round and one contracted lymes.  Are you in a region that has a large tick population?

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I am on 100 mcg of levothyroxine

What I think is happening is the high stress and related high cortisol levels has made your current dosing useless.  You need to see a dr, get new blood work done and get your meds adjusted.  In times of high stress medications we are on often do not have the efficacy they once did and the therapeutic levels are no longer being reached.

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I felt all sorts of "off" with many of the symptoms you listed and had blood work done to find out it was just a pretty severe B12 deficiency with a super easy fix. I felt better within days and now just take a supplement.  I can definitely tell when I haven't taken it.  Hope you figure it out and it's easily manageable.   :grouphug:

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