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The FRIDAY Teachers Lounge! 8-9-2013


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The Lounge is OPEN! 


Jean in Newcastle said she misses the Teachers Lounge. I do, too, but everyday is out of the question.

What if the Teachers Lounge is open once a week on Friday? What do you all think?


For snacks today, I have available: Various assorted single serve pouches of nuts and nut mixes,

PopTarts, and Austin Cheese and Peanut Butter crackers, along with coffee, tea, and water to drink.

Feel free to bring in snacks to share, too!  :coolgleamA:


So, what does your Friday look like?  Here: last day of the first week of school. After this week, kids will

also have school on Saturday with Dad because that's when he has some actual time to be involved.

I've scheduled Friday mornings to be fairly light: Bible study, Vocab/Spelling, and wrapping up whatever needs to 

be finished from the week. Starting the end of the August at least one kiddo, maybe both, will be involved with a theatre

program that meets every Friday afternoon.


This week has been a bit difficult for my daughter, evidently, as the Aspergers has reared its ugly side on more than one

occasion. Sadly, I may have to look into some anti-anxiety supplements/medication for her.



Who's started school already? Here: we have, like I said. I'm realizing that the schedule, and possibly some of the curriculum, 

needs revising. *sigh* Why can't it just go smoothly?  :lol:



Talk to me!   :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!  A Friday Teacher's Lounge sounds great.


Snacks - Hmmm.  I have tortilla chips and salsa.  Will that do?


Today I am saying "good bye" to my family for a week.  They are going up to Canada for a week's vacation.  I have mixed feelings.  Part of me is very sad that my health is such that I can't go along with them right now.  Part of me already misses them!  And part of me is looking forward to being able to dink around here in blessed quiet with no demands on me (well, other than all the stuff I really need to get done).  


No school here - except for a couple of last year's school subjects that we're still muddling through.  But I know what ds is doing for school once we start - except for science.  I haven't nailed that down yet.  I haven't even started to look at dd's stuff.  But I don't plan on starting until the end of September.  

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Hi ya, Scrap!  A Friday Teacher's Lounge sounds great.


Snacks - Hmmm.  I have tortilla chips and salsa.  Will that do?


Today I am saying "good bye" to my family for a week.  They are going up to Canada for a week's vacation.  I have mixed feelings.  Part of me is very sad that my health is such that I can't go along with them right now.  Part of me already misses them!  And part of me is looking forward to being able to dink around here in blessed quiet with no demands on me (well, other than all the stuff I really need to get done).  


No school here - except for a couple of last year's school subjects that we're still muddling through.  But I know what ds is doing for school once we start - except for science.  I haven't nailed that down yet.  I haven't even started to look at dd's stuff.  But I don't plan on starting until the end of September.  

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Jean, you double-posted!  :001_cool:


We, or rather, the kids, will be swimming at our homeschool group's Pool Day today for PE.

I will most likely remain INSIDE to work on a paper. Besides, even though we have had a relatively mild summer,

I'm still DONE with the desert summer heat. If we didn't have so much going on this next week, I'd

be tempted to come visit you, Jean!


Tomorrow will be the kids reward for finishing their first week assignments: a trip to the movies! 

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I could use a stint in the lounge. I can't snack though, doing Whole30. DD is not happy with me because I came in to my externship one more day because I want to see the end of the trial I sat through and the jury is still deliberating. She threw a fit and I raised my voice with her because I needed to get out the door and she wasn't listening to an explanation, kept interrupting me. Normally that kind of behavior calls for a time out, but I needed to get out the door and she needed the information before I did.


She called me asking if she could try on clothes in the "too big/off season" seabag. I told her only on her breaks, which we had agreed would only be 15 minutes maximum out of an hour. I am realy looking forward to when my fall classes start and we can get into a more regular routine.

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