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Al compulsory attendance law

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This is from HSLDA'S website. I'm wondering what the birthday cut off is for a child turning 6. If their 6 by say sept register, or if their 6 in that calendar school year register? Does any one know, I can find it documented any where.


Compulsory Attendance ages:

“between the ages of six and 17.†The parent, legal custodian, or guardian of a child who is six years old may opt out of enrolling the child in school by written notification to the local school board that the child will not be enrolled until age seven. A child attending a church school prior to attaining his or her 16th birthday may withdraw at age 16. Alabama Code § 16-28-3.

180 days (public schools only). None.

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I would think it would be based on your local school district's cut-off. (such as 6 yo by Aug. 1) There's no point reporting it if they aren't eligible to enroll in the first place. I would also make sure that reporting is mandatory for homeschool or private school. That might only apply for future public school enrollments that are "red shirting."

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It's only an issue if you have a tricky August birthday. My daughter's birthday is in early August and she enrolled in Kindergarten only a few days after turning 5. We ended up holding her back that year. (This was in Alabama).


If your child has an August birthday, I would call the school and ask them.

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It's 6 by September 1. The only mention of August 1I could find was news articles about a pending bill last year, and while the bill passed, I see nothing in it that changes the cutoff date, and the current ALDOE website lists the September 1 date they've always had.


Do you plan to homeschool? I usually go ahead and add the next kid to my cover school when they start K, since there aren't any testing or portfolio requirements or anything. But you are safe to wait until your child is 6 prior to September 1.

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That's weird.  The first two links that came up said they had changed it to Aug. 1st.  Ah well.  I really have no idea.  Serves me right for trying to be helpful. :tongue_smilie:   


Here, our compulsory attendance law doesn't match our K cut off.  They didn't change it when they changed the cut off.  So about a quarter of kids born in any given year are required to be in school...  but they aren't allowed to go to K and there's not full funding of pre-K.  Ah, bureaucracy.

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