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Seton Gr 4 Phonics vs MCP Plaid


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Frankly, I don't see much difference between the two, and I'm not impressed with either one.


I think a better choice for review would be Explode the Code.


Even better would be Spalding, except that it isn't independent in any way, lol.

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Spaulding is a teacher intensive program.


Seton's phonics is based off the MCP phonics as far as scope and style. The Seton is just more colorful and Catholic. They are both solid though.


Notice the spelling: Spalding, not Spaulding. :-) And yes, I know Spalding is teacher intensive. That's why I said that it wasn't independent. :-)


When it comes to *phonics,* that something might be more Catholic than something else just isn't all that important, really. IMHO, Explode the Code is stronger phonics than MCP/Seton (even though it isn't colorful :smilielol5: ).

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Notice the spelling: Spalding, not Spaulding. :-) And yes, I know Spalding is teacher intensive. That's why I said that it wasn't independent. :-)


When it comes to *phonics,* that something might be more Catholic than something else just isn't all that important, really. IMHO, Explode the Code is stronger phonics than MCP/Seton (even though it isn't colorful :smilielol5: ).

Sorry about the spelling.


Whether it's important that it be Catholic or not is entirely dependent on the point of view of the user. :)

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I used MCP for K-3rd and then switched to Seton for 4th. I find them pretty much the same in scope and sequence, but I found Seton's had more exercises and I liked it better. 



Do you remember what kind of exercises that it had that were different and you liked better? 

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Do you remember what kind of exercises that it had that were different and you liked better? 


I'd have to dig them out. I think it's more that the Seton one used more sentences and had more rules taught in them, and the MCP was more words and pictures. Seton had a lot of words and pictures too, but some of the exercises seemed more in depth. 


If I get a chance, I'll dig out the box and see if there was anything else I can say. 


I loved the fact that it was Catholic and she learned about more than Phonics by using the book. :)

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Thanks for the input everyone!  Since we have already done (and liked) ETC I am looking for something different.  Looks like they are pretty much the same, at least phonics wise.


Just wondering, if you've done ETC, what it is that you think your dc needs to review. Is he reading well?


Rod and Staff Publishers has a book called "We Learn Letter Sounds." It is 30 lessons that include all of R&S's *phonics* instruction.

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Ok - I had a chance to look at the books. What I liked about the Seton book is that not only were they teaching the sounds and blends and rules like MCP, they also used stories and selections to read and recognize blends, or whatever they were working on instead of simply writing STR on a line in front of ~ING. MCP is more fill in the blank. SFYC 4 had comprehension questions and a combination of different ways to get the rule across. 


I really would recommend SFYC4 over MCP phonics as long as you are okay with the religious content. 

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Ok - I had a chance to look at the books. What I liked about the Seton book is that not only were they teaching the sounds and blends and rules like MCP, they also used stories and selections to read and recognize blends, or whatever they were working on instead of simply writing STR on a line in front of ~ING. MCP is more fill in the blank. SFYC 4 had comprehension questions and a combination of different ways to get the rule across. 


I really would recommend SFYC4 over MCP phonics as long as you are okay with the religious content. 


Thanks Susan, that is extremely helpful.  We are Catholic, so definitely okay with the religious content! :) 

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I like MCP phonics here and find it to be plenty.  It helped my dyslexic son learn to read and keeps his phonics skills handy to help with spelling.  We plan to go through all the word study books as supplements until he ages out of them.  MCP in 4th grade is word study and it is a lot more than putting str in front of words.  I have the 4th grade here and I think it is the 1998 version.  It has a wealth of activities.

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I like MCP phonics here and find it to be plenty.  It helped my dyslexic son learn to read and keeps his phonics skills handy to help with spelling.  We plan to go through all the word study books as supplements until he ages out of them.  MCP in 4th grade is word study and it is a lot more than putting str in front of words.  I have the 4th grade here and I think it is the 1998 version.  It has a wealth of activities.


I wasn't putting down MCP at ALL - I hope I didn't give that impression. I just liked the additional ways of learning the content that Seton Press has in it. This year (4th grade) was the first year we used SEton - Melissa's reading skill came from MCP Phonics from K-3. I just noticed a huge jump in deeper material. Maybe it was simply the jump from third to fourth grade. I dunno, but I liked it a lot better and she didn't have as many "What the heck is THAT???" questions. 

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MCP changes in 4th to Word Study and has lots more to it as well.  I haven't seen Seton's 4th grade and we did use MCP 1-3.  Fourth grade is very different from 1-3 MCP Phonics.  I didn't think you were putting MCP Phonics down just that you weren't comparing the same level of MCP to the same level of Seton.  There are lots of writing exercises in MCP Word Study D as well.  It just seemed you were comparing phonics to Seton's 4th grade when MCP's 4th grade is actually Word Study D and it is much different than MCP Phonics A,B, or C. :)

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MCP changes in 4th to Word Study and has lots more to it as well.  I haven't seen Seton's 4th grade and we did use MCP 1-3.  Fourth grade is very different from 1-3 MCP Phonics.  I didn't think you were putting MCP Phonics down just that you weren't comparing the same level of MCP to the same level of Seton.  There are lots of writing exercises in MCP Word Study D as well.  It just seemed you were comparing phonics to Seton's 4th grade when MCP's 4th grade is actually Word Study D and it is much different than MCP Phonics A,B, or C. :)


That makes sense. Thank you for the clarification, and I'm glad!!!! I do think Seton is better with the image choices unless they change them in MCP 4th grade. I was lost without the answer key for the images sometimes. 

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Lol. Yes! MCP phonics is great, but some of those pictures were dated and not very common for a young child to know.


Yeeeaaaah, we just kinda skip over those.  They're only once in a while, and I'm not paying for that TM!





MCP changes in 4th to Word Study and has lots more to it as well.  I haven't seen Seton's 4th grade and we did use MCP 1-3.  Fourth grade is very different from 1-3 MCP Phonics.  I didn't think you were putting MCP Phonics down just that you weren't comparing the same level of MCP to the same level of Seton.  There are lots of writing exercises in MCP Word Study D as well.  It just seemed you were comparing phonics to Seton's 4th grade when MCP's 4th grade is actually Word Study D and it is much different than MCP Phonics A,B, or C. :)



Duh, forgot about it changing to Word Study!  I have used C-E with Rebecca and she'll do F this year; Sylvia did B-C and will do D this year.

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