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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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All I want to do is sleep today *yawn*



Took ds to station

Stopped at PetSmart and bought supplies for rabbit


To Do:

Give rabbit a bath

Have kids clean out cage


Put away clothes in bedroom

List doll on eBay

Pick up ds


School work?

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Yep, Tuesday for sure.

I'm sleepy too, as my chigger bites go through periods of intense itching and I have to get up and put something on them.  I think I'll go hop on the trampoline for a few minutes.

I've never heard of giving rabbits a bath.  I think our rabbits would give us bunny-butt for a month in protest of such horrid treatment!


Done So Far:


Brought dd to music camp

Groceries at Aldi's

Additional Groceries at Kroger

Groceries (mostly) put away

Just realized I forgot to put gas in the van.  Pfth.

Found dh's cell phone

First load of laundry in


Identified mystery bug

Gathered school materials to be copied

Coloring sheets for story time

Story time


To Do:

Copy cursive handwriting pages

Make cursive copywork pages

Mail copy fee to tutorial

RSVP party regrets

Pick up dd from music camp

Women's Bible Study

Place Amazon order

2nd laundry load

Attach boy scout patches to sash


Lunch: baked beans and hot dogs, fresh cherries

Dinner: meatballs with mushroom sauce, broccoli, salad


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Tuesday, oh how I wish I could have tackled you.  Today was day 2 of packing and now my house is full of boxes and we have to navigate like we're rats in a maze.  Tomorrow is the last day (I hope) and everything will be gone.  Sigh.


Today I did the following:


Overslept, waking up about 10 minutes before the movers arrived (awesome)

B'fast (while trying to work around the poor guy who got the job of packing up my transfer ware-it took five 3.5x2' boxes to fit it all!)

Played with Han Solo since my neighbor couldn't watch him today

Tracked down ANOTHER set of movers who had blocked my car in, and got them to move their truck so I could get out

Went and got drinks for the movers as it's unseasonably HOT here 

Lunch (sort of-bowl of cereal)

Nap (sort of-I laid down for 10 minutes and fell instantly asleep)

Aldi (we were running out of water!)

Tried not to cry when they packed my shoes.  Don't worry, I assured them I still loved them, even if they were't among the 12 pair I kept out-*sob*

Spent waaaaaay too much time on Pinterest

Ate waaaaaaay too much chocolate (I'm stressed)

Freaked out over the amount of boxes in my house




And that's about it.  I'll be so glad when this move is over!!!!

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You give rabbits a bath?  Do they like water?  


Sort of, and No. :D


Rabbits are usually pretty much self-cleaning, like cats. But the kids haven't been doing a great job taking care of his cage and his hiney is looking dirty, plus when we let him out in the backyard he likes to dig and he gets his paws all muddy. So it's more of a sponge bath than a full immersion.

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Yep, Tuesday for sure.

I'm sleepy too, as my chigger bites go through periods of intense itching and I have to get up and put something on them.  I think I'll go hop on the trampoline for a few minutes.

I've never heard of giving rabbits a bath.  I think our rabbits would give us bunny-butt for a month in protest of such horrid treatment!


Done So Far:


Brought dd to music camp

Groceries at Aldi's

Additional Groceries at Kroger

Groceries (mostly) put away

Just realized I forgot to put gas in the van.  Pfth.

Found dh's cell phone

First load of laundry in


Identified mystery bug

Gathered school materials to be copied

Coloring sheets for story time

Story time


To Do:

Copy cursive handwriting pages

Make cursive copywork pages

Mail copy fee to tutorial

RSVP party regrets

Pick up dd from music camp

Women's Bible Study

Place Amazon order

2nd laundry load

Attach boy scout patches to sash


Lunch: baked beans and hot dogs, fresh cherries

Dinner: meatballs with mushroom sauce, broccoli, salad


I'm so glad I'm not moving today.  Or anytime soon.  Or ever, God willing.  (((Hugs))) Mom in High Heels

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Closet is halfway done.  Dh can deal with his side. 

I lined my dresser drawers with scented liners...didn't know they still made these. 

Filled a lot of bags for donation

Kitchen is clean


Decided against water polo games because  it's a 40 minute drive,  was not told about them until late this morning, and husband's ll team is playing in the sectional championships tonight. 


I had an epiphany today that I will lead a much simpler lifestyle.  If it was called decluttering before, it might now be termed bulldozing.  I'm tired of the constant clutter in the house and the dc's rooms.  I really want to be done in two weeks. 

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Fading and took a quick break to watch Property Virgins.  Oh, to be young and financially foolish again. 


Left to do:

fill car with donation bags and drop them off on the way home from water polo in the morning.  

Clean the master bathroom

Exercise dvd

Curl up with some coffee and my Nora Roberts book

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