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Which math curriculum??? CLE or TT

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My son will be in 4th grade this coming school year. The last time I homeschooled was 2nd grade & he went to public school for third.


We weren't impressed, so I'm homeschooling again. :)


I've almost gotten my curriculum in order, except math.


I would love to hear thoughts on both CLE & Teaching Textbooks please. Thanks so very much!

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Maybe run searches here individually to find some descriptive reviews. Plenty of people here use both of those.


I haven't used either of them, but I'll bump your thread. If I was stuck with the same choice I'd take CLE for that age. I want to be involved with each math lesson, rather than having the computer do it.

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These are two of my favorite math programs, even though they are very different.  CLE provides thorough instruction, a great deal of practice, and interesting (to my boys, at least) word problems.  I thought CLE would be my permanent elementary math program.  Wrong!  My third son has dysgraphia, and really suffered with the writing required with CLE.   To give him a little break, I tried TT.  Because he was in CLE Math 3, and TT is considered weak,  I bought TT 4.  We started halfway through his second grade year, and he loved TT so much that he finished by the end of the school year.   He has great arithmetic skills, and is confident with his progress.  When my sixth grader finished CLE 8 in the spring, we put him in TT Algebra I, and it's a hit for him, too.  I can happily recommend both programs, but for my family right now, the ease of TT wins.

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Thanks SO much for the responses! :)


Ok, my next question is IF I go with TT for my son, and supplement with some type of math where I work with him one on one as well, would that work?  Or would that be too much?  My son loves the computer based look of TT, but as a parent I am a bit concerned about that very thing.  I am getting Math Dice to play games with him and I am thinking of getting The Complete Book of Math as well.  I don't think doing both CLE and TT is the way to go, but I am not sure.  


Goodness, I just need to decide.  Haha! :)

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We really enjoyed TT the year we did it. DS actually requested to go back to Singapore math though, he likes workbooks for math more, so we switched back. Did you let him go through a sample lesson on the computer? You can still be involved in his math lessons if you want to and use TT. I only did 1 level so I didn't get too into it, but it seems to me like you would probably want to work with memorizing facts 1 on 1 still.

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We switched to TT in 4th as well.  It was the best move we ever made.  Dd loves the interactiveness of the program.  I love that I can sit with her if she needs help or it can be done independently from me.  


I feel that TT does not need supplementing.  I think that is overkill.  Every once in a while, I will pull out a different book or worksheet to give her a different perspective, but really that only happens about twice a year.  


We are just beginning TT7 and dd's test scores have been consistent since we began.  

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Thanks SO much for the responses! :)


Ok, my next question is IF I go with TT for my son, and supplement with some type of math where I work with him one on one as well, would that work?  Or would that be too much?  My son loves the computer based look of TT, but as a parent I am a bit concerned about that very thing.  I am getting Math Dice to play games with him and I am thinking of getting The Complete Book of Math as well.  I don't think doing both CLE and TT is the way to go, but I am not sure.  


Goodness, I just need to decide.  Haha! :)

We are loving TT3 here. We are sticking with it as long as it works for my dd. But, I don't just send her to the computer and let her do it herself. I sit right with her. We watch the lecture and then she does the work in the workbook (I feel this is really important and that a lot of people skip using the workbook...but it's still important to be doing math with paper and pencil I think). After the workbook she inputs her answers into the computer. I had CLE for a short while but I felt it was overwhelming because there was too much on the page...we ended up not using it very long. I did decide to supplement a little this coming year with Practical Arithmetics...but that's only because I want to, not because I feel we have to.

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We are using CLE here for my older 2 and Singapore for my 4th grade boy :) I don't prefer computer-based teaching but that's purely a preference thing! I know lots of people who love TT. Sitting at the computer for math just wouldn't be our thing in 4th grade. GL with your choice!

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My dc have used CLE for five years now. My ds loves using the computer, so I thought that he might like TT. I set him up with some sample lessons only to learn that he didn't enjoy learning his math lessons this way and didn't understand the teaching. He asked to stick with CLE. I was very surprised by this, so I would suggest to try the samples online first and see how that goes. If there aren't any issues and your child enjoys it then consider it, but it was to my surprise that it didn't go over well with my computer-loving son.

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My dd used CLE math from level 2 to halfway through level 6.  She supplemented for a couple of years with TT because it was fun to her.  We had to use TT 2 levels above what she was doing in CLE and she did 2 TT lessons on her "fun" math days (twice a week?), so she easily completed both programs in a year.  After that, I wanted to streamline and I felt CLE is the stronger program, so we went with that.


My oldest has used CLE for a number of years and is in the 800 level right now.  It's been great for him.  I think it's perfect for a kid who needs lots of review and practice, which he does.  My dd doesn't need as much review and practice, per se, but I don't think it's hurt her one bit.  She recently switched from halfway through CLE 6 to Saxon 8/7 because I want something that will take her all the way through upper level math and I had heard that this was a good point to transition.  So far, so good.


I sometimes think I should be considering TT for my son for high school math, but for right now I'm keeping that on the back burner because I have heard there isn't enough review in it for some kids, and he may just be one of those kids.

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I'd say it depends on your child. My older daughter LOVED TT. She used it for all four years of high school. My youngest is a rising 3rd grader and had been using CLE starting in 1st grade. A few months ago I switched her to TT and she liked it, but she much prefers the workbooks in CLE. She actually does both now. Her main math is CLE, and then she will do a lesson in TT 4 if she feels like it. So far, so good. 

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