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I have a Dr's appt tomorrow. My hair is falling out.......

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I can't lose weight no matter how long or what I try and I am, um, usually constipated.


I took the kids in for camp physicals yesterday. A poster for thryoid issues was on the wall. I am a poster child for it.


I've long suspected thyroid issues for the weight problem and the more recent hair loss was even more reason.


Experience, opinions and well wishes welcome.

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I am dealing with this right now too and saw a dermatologist last week. She wants me to get my thyroid retested and also suggested checkng my iron stores. Ferritin ( sp) levels I think is what she called it. She diagnosed me with: http://www.aocd.org/skin/dermatologic_diseases/telogen_effluvium.html

which is caused from things such as thyroid, low iron, stress ( which I know you have been dealing with :grouphug:) and some illnesses. But I would definitely start with blood work and go from there. Best wishes!

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I can't lose weight no matter how long or what I try and I am, um, usually constipated.


I took the kids in for camp physicals yesterday. A poster for thryoid issues was on the wall. I am a poster child for it.


I've long suspected thyroid issues for the weight problem and the more recent hair loss was even more reason.


Experience, opinions and well wishes welcome.


:( My guess would be the stress you are under is compounding it. :grouphug:

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You don't have to go to the doctor to get the testing. You can order a thyroid panel through http://www.healthcheckusa.com and receive the results directly. Then you can decide for yourself your best course of action, whether you want to pursue a doctor, etc. Most docs do just synthroid (not the only or best med) and don't test ALL the things. Healthcheckusa.com has a typical doc panel, but they also have a panel that has the Free T3 and Free T4 (the actual thyroid levels of those hormones available for your body to use) and antibodies. If you don't have antibodies, you might like to pursue some alternative treatment things like kelp. Are you eating a large salad every night and plenty of fresh fruit? Your constipation reflects your diet as much as your thyroid, sorry. If you totally eliminate flour and cheese and start eating a daily 3 cup salad and 4-6 cups of fruit, bet your bowels will improve, even with low thyroid. And conversely, you can have perfectly fine thyroid and plug yourself right up living on pizza and no fruits/veges. ;)


As for the hair falling out, my thyroid was very low post-partum with dd and I never lost hair, though my nails broke like fury. Bowels were sluggish, but like I said, that's more diet than people acknowledge. Low thyroid makes them sluggish, but it's the diet that pushes them over the top. Your testosterone may be off. You can order a panel for the various hormones (testosterone, prog, estrogen, etc.) while you're at it.


Since it's summer, are you eating any melon? Cantaloupe and watermelon are good for getting the bowels going, though I'd suggest eating organic. (melons are one of the most highly pesticided fruits)


BTW, I didn't realize you're under so much stress. Absolutely that can do it and aggravate everything else. When you're stressed is the time you most need to take care of yourself dietarily, right when you most want to indulge and live on pizza and brownies. I hope whatever is stressing you so much passes soon.

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I can't lose weight no matter how long or what I try and I am, um, usually constipated.


I took the kids in for camp physicals yesterday. A poster for thryoid issues was on the wall. I am a poster child for it.


I've long suspected thyroid issues for the weight problem and the more recent hair loss was even more reason.


Experience, opinions and well wishes welcome.


I've been seeing an endocrinologist for a year and a half trying to get my thyroid figured out. There is a lot of info out there on the web - sift carefully. Consider finding an endocrinologist who really knows thyroid. The ranges for normal have been changed in recent years and most lab reports will state "normal" for values that are now considered not normal. Be sure your doc is aware of the new guidelines for normal from the Academy of Endocrinology/ists.


Ask for TSH, T3, T4, and thyroid antibody tests.


It's not usually a quick fix. Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for a period of fine-tuning till you get to the right dosage, if it is indeed thyroid! Wishing you the best!

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Something else that has helped me a lot is to take prenatal vitamins still, even though I'm, like, 12 years post-partum and certainly not nursing! For some reason the iron in Stuart's Pre-Natal is more accessible to me than any other type I have found. When I don't take these, I feel like the road runner who looks down 5 steps after he has run past the edge of the cliff--I just plummet. It is scarey to be so dependent on something like that, but I am.

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