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4 year HS plan opinions?

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This is for a rising 9th grader who would love to be a nurse when she is older. She is thinking postpartum! I want her to have some good math and science courses, but she also loves history and lit so that needs to be good too :)



9th: AoPS Algebra 1&2 (hoping alg 1 will be mostly review, may go into summer)

10th: AoPS Geometry

11th: AoPS Pre-Calc

12th: AP Statistics (one less class to take at college, no use in taking Calc.)



9th: Ancient Literature and Composition

10th: American Literature and Composition

11th: British Literature and Composition

12th: Modern Literature and Composition



9th: algebra based physics using knight's college physics

10th: chemistry using zumdahl w/ Lab

11th: biology using campbell's concepts and connections w/ Lab

12th: human a&p, don't know what text yet w/ Lab




9th: Ancient World History

10th: U.S. History I

11th: U.S. History II

12th: Modern World History


Foreign Language

12th: Two Semesters of Spanish at local community college


Other: grades not yet decided

Government 0.5 credit: ??

Economics 0.5 credit: ??

P.E. 1/2 credit each year

Speech 0.5 credit: Lightening Lit or Coursera Course



Anything interesting on Coursera beefed up for a credit, art appreciation, cool science elective, ??

I Don't have many ideas for electives, help?




I feel so confused and overwhelmed, is this a good start? Too much or too little? Thanks for any input!

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I agree that 2+ years of a single foreign language would be very helpful.


The other thing that stood out to my from your list was 9th grade math - Do you mean completing both AoPS Introduction to Algebra and Intermediate Algebra in one year? That seems like a very heavy math year. Or just Introduction to Algebra? I'm not sure whether you can skip Intermediate Algebra and go straight into Precalculus, but this would be something to check out.

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I agree that 2+ years of a single foreign language would be very helpful.


The other thing that stood out to my from your list was 9th grade math - Do you mean completing both AoPS Introduction to Algebra and Intermediate Algebra in one year? That seems like a very heavy math year. Or just Introduction to Algebra? I'm not sure whether you can skip Intermediate Algebra and go straight into Precalculus, but this would be something to check out.



While typing that up I forgot about foreign language! I was thinking of having her take two semesters at the community college in 12th grade for two high school credits. Then the next year at college she can take the following semesters if she would like. I'm thinking that much Spanish classes would be good for her since she wants to be a nurse.


AoPS's Intro to Algebra equals two math credits, one for alg 1 and one for alg 2. I think this is right?

For pre-calc she will do part of AoPS Intermediate Algebra for the alg 3 and part of the pre-calc text for trig. I found a schedule on the boards for this.


Thanks everyone! :)

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If the community college allows her to do that, it would probably work. Two semesters at a good community college "should" be the equivalent of 2 years high school Spanish, although community colleges vary widely. But then, so do high school language courses. You should know, though, that some regular colleges (and some state high school education directives) require or at least recommend 3 years of a foreign language on the HS transcript.

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When I look at your plan, I see 4 main courses per yr......English, math,science, history. You have a lot of flexibility in your schedule to add at least 2 more credits per yr. Have you looked at admission criteria for the nursing programs she is interested in? Their core requirements might help you find your electives.


I personally would not postpone foreign Lang to 12th. I would start in 9th or 10th.


I would add in basic computer skills......in our state Allied Health students must take a class in learning how to use excel and a few other basic programs.


She will probably have to take psychology, so a psy course might be an option.


For fine arts, you could look into Teaching Company titles.


Since she wants to be a nurse, I would seek out shadowing opportunities. Many programs require a minimum number in order to apply. It also really helps them discern what they want to do. Also, some programs are going to require letters of recommendation from professionals that have observed her in a health care setting.

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Others have already mentioned the foreign language. I would agree with the idea of starting earlier. Some colleges prefer 3 years over 2 years (same language). Some students find that it takes them a bit to get over the hump of language learning. You might also find that community college doesn't work for whatever reason (transportation, course availability, dual enrollment program changes, etc). I would suggest starting the language earlier, if only to buy yourself options. On the AOPS Algebra and Knight/Jones physics a lot depends on how comfortable she already is in algebra. AOPS is detailed, in depth and time consuming. If she's already done a full course of algebra in something else, then it might be no problem to do both levels in one year. In our house it was a push to get through each level in a year (partly because they had to learn the AOPS style and partly because of a very full schedule). Knight Jones is algebra based physics, but it isn't easy physics. It is still college level and assumes a level of fluency with the algebraic concepts. We faltered in Knight Jones in part because while they had completed the algebra 1 chapters of AOPS, my sons weren't yet at ease with things like working with quadratic equations, manipulating an equation to isolate one variable and solving systems of two equations. In hindsight, I think they would have been better served with a get it done biology course (Miller/Levine or one of the lower level Campbell books) and letting physics wait until the math had matured some. The struggle has shaken a lot of their confidence in science, which is frustrating, because they have a lot of ability and interest, but I bit off more than they were ready for. I would very much suggest looking over the introductory chapters of Knight Jones to decide if it is a bridge too far.

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Thank you everyone for the advice and opinions, it's very helpful!


What if dd started Spanish at the cc in 11th grade and continued into 12th for 3-4 high school credits?



Over the summer, dd is reviewing the last parts of her algebra text on quadratic equations and I'll introduce some basic trig to her required in the physics text.

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It seems like dd would benefit going through algebra 2 in order to do physics. I just really wanted it to be done in 9th grade so we could follow this sequence:


9th: Physics (Knight Jones Field)

10th: Chemistry (Zumdahl)

11th: Biology (Campbell Concepts and Connections)

12th: Human A&P (haven't decided on a text)


I have more thinking to do.


For foreign language, the local state university dd wants to go to only requires 1-2 years of a foreign language. Dd wants to learn Latin, but wouldn't mind Spanish. I thought learning Spanish would be better since she wants to be a nurse. I need to call the University to see if they accept Latin.

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