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Something brilliant I did in complete ignorance~

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When the library sales were having their Free days, I picked up TONS of the Norton Anthologies of (Am Literature, English Literature...) and so many editions...


For Ds's 8th grade history out of Norms and Nobility all I had to do was look in the index and sticky tab the correct pages. Red Jacket's Senate Speech, Wollman's Journals, Crevecouer's Journals, you name it, it was in there.


Just passing that on.

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My library sales here stink! Jealous!



I have my old Norton Anthology (Am Lit). It is so ratty, but I hang on to it. I'll keep my eyes out for others. (So different editions have different selections? And that makes it worthwhile to find several? hmmm)

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Well, while I am not brilliant, I am still so glad to read this thread as I have a Norton's sitting on my nightstand as I type this, waiting for me to read it ahead of my soon to be 9th grader~! Never having gone to college or taken advanced Lit classes, I had never heard of Norton's until a year ago. I got two old copies and I think they will be perfect!! I find them far better than a high school textbook, though we'll be using one in addition to our Norton's for a few specific things. the selections are fabulous! Glad to know others are using it as well, and that I made a wise choice!

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There's a free online video series (designed for a 2 semester college course, per the description) from the Annenberg Foundation that uses the 7th edition of the Norton Anthology of American Literature http://www.learner.org/resources/series164.html

other resources for this:




The Reading with the Best curriculum uses these



While you're on the Annenberg website, they have other literature courses that might work with other volumes of Norton anthologies, so you may want to check them out:



I'm looking at the Invitation to World Literature, Voices and Visions (American poets), and Literary Visions

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There's a free online video series (designed for a 2 semester college course, per the description) from the Annenberg Foundation that uses the 7th edition of the Norton Anthology of American Literature http://www.learner.o.../series164.html

other resources for this:




The Reading with the Best curriculum uses these



While you're on the Annenberg website, they have other literature courses that might work with other volumes of Norton anthologies, so you may want to check them out:



I'm looking at the Invitation to World Literature, Voices and Visions (American poets), and Literary Visions


Awesome links, thank you!!

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