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Naples, Italy interview starts at 8am Eastern! -- Updated :D


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Interview went well (as well as we could tell). They did throw him a different line of questioning...a "hypothetical situation." I told dh, I bet it wasn't really a hypothetical...it was essentially a "what would you do in this travel situation in which lots of things went wrong" question. I told him, that most likely they had a similar experience with a person who didn't know what to do (e.g. couldn't think on his feet). DH's reply showed that he was adaptable and could reason through a situation quickly and come up with various plans of action to deal with the unknown (at least to me). Now, if they wanted someone who would call home base and ask for assistance every step of the way...they were talking to the wrong man ;)


So...decision in 7-10 days! Then, if we get the job, moving 12 weeks from now. (knew it would be fast). So...pins and needles for the next week.


You know things are serious, when you have to start listing the house!!!



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