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Just say no to catnip :)


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I gave one of our cat's some catnip last night. After ingesting his drug he came out to the kitchen and was promptly freaked out by a small dwarf hamster in a hamster ball. He then hid under the bed all night. Poor kitty. Apparently, catnip from the farmer's market is strong stuff :laugh:



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lol! Shhhhh....we are growing our own. The cat loves going out back and sprawling on top of the catnip plant. It's big enough he can't squish all of it...kinda cool how he can hide in it. Since we have a new puppy, we figure the cat deserves a quiet place to zone out. :)

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My stand offish, semi feral, homicidal maniac of a 15 year old cat will come in from the catnip growing in a pot outside the deck, rub all over us (kind of frightening, as we expect her to bite!), flop down on her back, roll around and purr. Then she will fall promptly asleep, sprawled out in a very unladylike position.


I don't know why it took me 15 years to start growing the stuff! Do you think it works on moody 15 year old teens?

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My ds14 keeps telling people we are growing cat weed. he and dd each have teeny tiny cat nip plants starting. We also hav a little bag of the dried stuff that the cats love. But ds thinks it is hilarious that I would buy some for the cats the same day I gave one of my lectures about drug use, so now he says we have cat weed and laughs hysterically.

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Our big cat usually get violent after a cat nip binge but this time he was really freaked out and slept under the be all night. This cat hasn't been under the bed in 10 years.


The small cat usually runs away at the sight of catnip but this time she rolled around in it and fell asleep. The big cat ate his so maybe it was spiked with something a little extra.


I don't know why it took me 15 years to start growing the stuff! Do you think it works on moody 15 year old teens?


With my luck it would affect the child like it usually does our older cat and I'd be attacked.



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